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Everything posted by Fleischer110

  1. I got it, thanks for the help .. have changed this // blck_killPercentage blck_missionEndCondition = "allKilledOrPlayerNear"; mission is only marked as `clear` when all npc's are dead
  2. Thank you for the note ... unfortunately I have already tried that, without success .. // = no success 0.99999 = no success 1.0 = no success 1 = no success Next I test if with "0" I can disable this function
  3. I added this to my config, server start does not work correctly. what am I doing wrong? Please help. class Flag { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static "; class Actions { class Payprotection: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Pay Protection"; condition = "true"; action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_payTerritoryProtectionMoneyDialog_show"; }; class Upgrade: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Upgrade"; condition = "true"; action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_upgradeterritoryDialog_request"; }; }; };
  4. Fleischer110

    TerritoryProtection+UpgradeTerritory on the Flag

    had a little something wrong ... it works fine now, here is the text .. who would like to have it class Flag { targetType = 2; target = "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"; class Actions { class PayProtection: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Pay Protection"; condition = "true"; action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_payTerritoryProtectionMoneyDialog_show"; }; class Upgrade: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Upgrade"; condition = "true"; action = "_this call ExileClient_gui_upgradeTerritoryDialog_show"; }; }; };
  5. Fleischer110

    TerritoryProtection+UpgradeTerritory on the Flag

    It can also be installed on the flag, I have even saw other servers.
  6. Fleischer110

    TerritoryProtection+UpgradeTerritory on the Flag

    I found the following error ... what does that mean? Warning Message: File mpaltis\__cur_mp.altis\config.cpp, line 4115: /CfgInteractionMenus/: '易encountered instead of '{' 4:17:40 Warning Message: Config : some input after EndOfFile. 4:17:40 Class ExileAbstractAction destroyed with lock count 91 4:17:40 Mission Exile.altis: Missing 'description.ext::Header'
  7. Unfortunately, both does not work 1.0 or 1, no matter it ends when still 1 npc is alive .. has no experience with it?
  8. hello, I do not want to show the missions at 0.9 that you're done, the players are confused. what should I write 1.0 or only 1 .. so that only appears, mission clear, if all npc's are really dead
  9. Fleischer110


    have everything installed .. it works very well ... only the AI kills are not displayed
  10. ight you have ... have fixed it. have entered the mode under the wrong name .. now everything is running as usual
  11. Hello, Everything works, mines and grass missions appear. but he will not spawn any stone and plant you no hemp ... what am I doing wrong. at 1.0.3 exile everything was fine .. plant and stone available from 1.0.4 not
  12. Fleischer110

    [Release] Ducks of War

    the trader layout would interest me .. is that a script
  13. Fleischer110

    Nach Restart alles weg!

    Danke für eure nachfragen, es speichert wieder, es war DMS Occupation der spawn eines random Helis verhinderte das speichern, klingt komisch, ist aber so... Aber danke trotzdem, Klasse Community
  14. Fleischer110

    Nach Restart alles weg!

    Hallo Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen, in letzter Zeit werden die items die sich in safes oder Kisten befinden nicht mehr gespeichert. Nach dem Restart alles weg. Gibts was , was man Unternehmen kann. Für jede Hilfe wäre ich dankbar.
  15. Fleischer110

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    So the mission should appear only once per restart ... not several times...what do I have to set that static missions appear only once
  16. Fleischer110

    Kill Messages GR8 for ExileMod

    Hello, I was yesterday on a server, and was very amazed that these kill messages still work. Still how, I wonder. Can someone tell me how this is installed now. Push me
  17. Fleischer110

    Sector B für Taviana

    Könnte man dieses Script https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/34655-release-sector-addon-050-framework-for-staticmission-millitarize-area-taviana-sector-b-rewiten-august-2015/ auf Exile umschreiben? wüäre sehr dankebar für jede Hilfe. MfG
  18. Fleischer110

    Sector B für Taviana

    jetzt komme ich erst darauf, ihr meint die Map Taviana nicht das Sector Script ansich. Also darf ich das Script verwenden für meine Map MSKE-2017 .. dachte ihr meint das Script.
  19. Fleischer110

    Sector B für Taviana

    oh sorry .. hat sich erledigt.. kann gelöscht werden :::
  20. Fleischer110

    Mod Checker Updated [now with XM8 APP]

    Have the same problem. How did you fix it. With me appears apex, then kick.
  21. Fleischer110

    USS Freedom with Traders Altis

    ["Land_HelipadSquare_F", [15085.8, 8619.97, 98], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], true], ["Land_HelipadSquare_F", [15105.7, 8598.92, 98], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], true] These two helipads are in the initserver.sqf. You have to adjust the height of the pads. So the third number in the first bracket. 98 works with me, with you it could be higher [15105.7, 8598.92, 102] or less [15085.8, 8619.97, 92] only the rear number is interesting
  22. Fleischer110

    Extended Base Mod

    Can someone tell me what I do with the airhook thing?
  23. Fleischer110

    USS Freedom with Traders Altis

    The catapult works with these code in the init.sqf if (isServer) then { // Spawn Carrier on Server private _carrier = createVehicle ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F",[15081.7,8479.79,0],[],0,"None"]; _carrier setPosWorld [15081.7,8479.79,0]; _carrier setDir 0; [_carrier] call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; // Broadcast Carrier ID over network missionNamespace setVariable ["USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER",_carrier]; publicVariable "USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER"; } else { [] spawn { // Clients wait for carrier waitUntil { !(isNull (missionNamespace getVariable ["USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER",objNull])) }; // Work around for missing carrier data not being broadcast as expected if (count (USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER getVariable ["bis_carrierParts", []]) == 0) then { ["Carrier %1 is empty. Client Fixing.",str "bis_carrierParts"] call BIS_fnc_logFormatServer; private _carrierPartsArray = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER >> "multiStructureParts") call BIS_fnc_getCfgDataArray; private _partClasses = _carrierPartsArray apply {_x select 0}; private _nearbyCarrierParts = nearestObjects [USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER,_partClasses,500]; { private _carrierPart = _x; private _index = _forEachIndex; { if ((_carrierPart select 0) isEqualTo typeOf _x) exitWith { _carrierPart set [0,_x]; }; } forEach _nearbyCarrierParts; _carrierPartsArray set [_index,_carrierPart]; } forEach _carrierPartsArray; USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER setVariable ["bis_carrierParts",_nearbyCarrierParts]; ["Carrier %1 was empty. Now contains %2.",str "bis_carrierParts",USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER getVariable ["bis_carrierParts", []]] call BIS_fnc_logFormatServer; }; // Client Initiate Carrier Actions with slight delay to ensure carrier is sync'd [USS_FREEDOM_CARRIER] spawn { sleep 1; _this call BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init}; }; }; And the error code 13, please adjust the position (lower) of the helipad. With me this worked. ["Land_HelipadSquare_F", [15085.8, 8619.97, 98], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], true], ["Land_HelipadSquare_F", [15105.7, 8598.92, 98], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], true]
  24. Fleischer110

    Dynamic Vehicle Spawn with Items in their Inventory

    A question about this script, does it still work with the version exile 1.0.2? I have it installed, server starts, but I do not come to the server. Perhaps I have made a mistake in the installation, which I do not think, since the script is easy to install. The script still works or does not it work?
  25. First a big praise to the developer of this script .. it all works very well .. Still have a question .. how do I get the trigger for the virtual garage on the flag? Please answer with example and in detail, I am a bit stupid!