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About DrScandalous

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  1. DrScandalous

    [SOLVED] Mobile Phone Spawns?

    Looking to build some breaching charges and wondering where/what buildings mobile phones typically spawn in. I'm assuming that Satchels still only spawn in military, but just not sure about the mobile phone bit. Advice/recommendations?
  2. Does anyone have a list/solution to make the most amount of tree types possible "harvestable" (aka: you can harvest logs from them)? Or is this just a Tanoa thing that is still "in the works?"
  3. DrScandalous

    Tanoa Tips & Tricks?

    Wait... wut? What do you mean?
  4. DrScandalous

    Tanoa Tips & Tricks?

    As a solo/lone wolf player who snipes quite often... I am already enjoying it quite a bit.
  5. DrScandalous

    Tanoa Tips & Tricks?

    That's true, but there's a lot of buildings are that have been modeled on the inside... but they just don't have functional doors/windows. Only time will tell as to whether it'll be the devs or the modders who end up opening up those buildings further. But either way, after spending some time on the map I think there's enough exterior building loot spawns where it's not nearly as bad as I originally thought it'd be. At this point, I'm finding that there's not really any "go-to" industrial loot spawn areas (like the garages just NE of Kavala) or military spawns (seems like Comms Bravo/etc don't really spawn anything amazing, either in quality or quantity), so that's why I'm asking about "hidden gems" or tips/tricks for making the most of the map.
  6. DrScandalous

    Tanoa Tips & Tricks?

    That's what I've been doing for the last 2-3 days... and I've been enjoying it! My initial fear that "current" lack of enterable buildings was a major issue was quickly quelled, which was awesome. I'm not impatient... just wondering what people have discovered so far during their gameplay that they find cool/interesting... and wondering what they feel like they "discovered."
  7. DrScandalous

    Tanoa Tips & Tricks?

    Oh I know it's only testing... I'm just looking for people who have played it a bit and have learned some of the cool "nuances" of the map.
  8. DrScandalous

    Tanoa Tips & Tricks?

    Just started playing on Tanoa (experienced Exile player, just new to the map) and wondering if anyone has any tips/tricks on great places to loot, ways to get a quick start on the map, etc. Currently have a basic base set up + a little money.... just looking for cool spots/tips/tricks for making life in the jungle a bit easier/more fun/interesting.
  9. DrScandalous

    How Do you Put snipers and 7.62 guns in back pack

    Yeah... I'm trying to figure out WHY a Lynx w/ a mass of 240 doesn't fit in a Carryall w/ a capacity of 320. I did the math... it should fit. And yes, I double checked.
  10. DrScandalous

    Base Maintenance

    If it's a 4 week cycle, pay every 3rd week. If it's a 3 week cycle, pay every 2nd week. The peace of mind is worth the extra money you pay into for laziness. Check with your admin to find out the EXACT protection period. Just my $0.02.
  11. So I'm one of those few (or fewer) players out there that plays this mod solo. My playtimes are shorter and more irregular than most, so I've never found grouping up/being in a clan to be of much use. So... for all of my other solo yolo brethren out there, what's your strategy for surviving in the harsh world of Exile where crews of 3+ are the norm and you're always rolling solo? What do you do for fun besides looting? For me, I've kind of taken the solo sniper/survivalist route... kind of like the normal sniper gameplay in King of the Hill. I'm also thinking of doing kind of a surveillance type of operation by tailing people with drones to find out where they live and sizing them up from afar. What's your story/mode of operation?
  12. DrScandalous

    Download Link for Banana SP3?

    I think the release of "Tomato" basically nullifies this thread.
  13. DrScandalous

    Recreating/Updating the Exile Wiki

    Crafting, default vehicle costs, tips/tricks section... basically how it was before but naturally build upon it. I know... simpler said than done. But the absence of the wiki (especially when it comes to crafting) has been more than noticeable.
  14. Requesting the ability for servers to be able to have to option to turn on/off the ability for purchased vehicles to despawn if not accessed after XX amount of time.
  15. DrScandalous

    Why am I losing respect?

    Had a player on the servers I play on lose 68k pop tabs (kept the last 2k for some reason, even though the server doesn't offer "starter tabs") on relog this morning. Same type of deal... and he didn't log in until 15 minutes post-restart. Seems like it's kind of a random problem.