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Everything posted by bustednuts

  1. bustednuts

    Existing server update guide?

    I think its great to have guides on putting up new servers with the updated files. How about a guide for updating a existing server? I have a cherno,esserker and bornholm server that i need to get updated. I am great at adding mods and editing missions and other small things. So a helping hand would be awesome!
  2. bustednuts

    Problem in database

    I have a bit of a problem and I am looking for a solution to it. I had a high pop server for a while running on esseker and some one I had I thought helping me threw a monkey wrench into the server and it will not stop crashing. I changed the map, every mod and removed scripts and nothing seems to help . I keep seeing server objects not found and this 18:51:08 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found 18:51:08 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:1120 not found 18:51:09 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:1120 not found. Soon after it crashes. So I am now checking in the sql server to see if there is anything and I found these. So What can i do to correct this?
  3. bustednuts

    Bases and Vehicles disappearing

    I been having this problem stated on my fresh cherno server. I have all the CUP mods and NIA Arsenal running on it as well. I am having a problem with random player bases dissapearing after restarts. It seems to be random and they are paying their protection money as well . I have also been having a problem with players logging out at their bases and their vehicles get sent back to the place they last locked it at and not at their base. Now this doesn't happen to everyone. So that what got me stumped? Anyone else have this or have a fix for this?
  4. bustednuts

    Eden Trader Setup

    Houdy all. Kinda stumped here. I am trying to add waste dump traders to tanoa airfeilds . I have added signs and lockers but the traders refuse to work. I am placing the output that I am getting from the eden plugin in the initplayerlocal and no dice. The initplayerlocal looks different than what the output is so I am at a loss as why it's like this. Any help would be awesome. Thanks and have a nice day!!!
  5. bustednuts

    Exile continues!

    I am glad that people from the community are going to help with the cause!
  6. bustednuts

    Respect basd load outs

    Has anyone got this to work with the current build? I am not having any luck. It is giving a can not create bambi timeout. This is the script I am using and theses are the exile custom codes and this one, I can get the rpt error if needed. Let me know if this can be fixed? Thanks in advance.
  7. bustednuts

    Respect basd load outs

    Yes, Thats me. I did get one of my old files to work with a newer version that I have found on here. A little cut and pasting and it works great.
  8. bustednuts

    Having second server issues.

    I am having a issue creating a second server on my box. I currently have a cherno server running. I have taken most of the mission file and inserted it into the one I want to run. That way both server have the same trader options. I created the database by editing the stock exile.sql < pastebinlink. It seemed to create it with no errors in the script. I went and made a new startup bat file .pb startup bat It seems to start fine but then it runs into a extdb2 error and it sets the server into a restart loop. Also I seen in the rpt , it states that alot of the exile defines are already defined? Do I have to set up a different server port? Here is the RPT for reference. Tanoa RPT Error. Thanks for looking guys!
  9. bustednuts

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Thank you for taking the time to look at it. I am some what new with server administration. I will look again at it and try to find a solution.
  10. bustednuts

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Sorry , I forgot the details. DMS config.sqf, Cherno RPT
  11. bustednuts

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Also when this is going on. All the weather goes to default.
  12. bustednuts

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Been having a bit of a problem recently with missions that fail or are completed the text on the map will not clean up. Also when this is going on I use occupation and I have fast night's active and the time multiplier will not work and it wont switch back to day. Has anyone experience this problem?
  13. bustednuts

    Exile Car Bug

    Hey all . On my server I am running all the CUP mods and everything seems to be working properly . But I have been seeing complaints of after a player has been killed by AI and they spawn back in and they try to enter a car the animation will seize up and you will be stuck there . Only thing that stops it is to commit suicide and respawn. It is completely random . Also been having cars and truck not saving properly at restart. They will go to where they were last locked and they will be locked at least 5 minutes before restart. I dont know if it might be one of the server side mod doing this with the "apon entering vehicle " that is causing the locking up problem. I have in the server side ,DMS,Exile occupation and zupa capture points. Thatnks for looking here and I am hoping someone else has a fix for this. Thanks again!
  14. bustednuts

    Bases and Vehicles disappearing

    Can anyone help please??
  15. bustednuts

    RCON Tool Not working.

    Mark this topic fixed Ryan
  16. bustednuts

    Exile Car Bug

    Another thing that I have noticed is when this car bug is active ,when you access the inventory you can put items in the car but they can not be removed. And if you flip the vehicle it will levitate and it will keep going up until you can no longer reach it. This is completely random for players that haven't died in the restart and it happens to almost every bambi .
  17. bustednuts

    IgiLoad not working

    I dont use this at all but if your using inifistar you can see all the scripts and see if it is running. I would say its most likely not and I would go over your install again.
  18. bustednuts

    RCON Tool Not working.

    If you used the install directions to get your server running you need to put your battleye info in the other folder as well . If you still having problems i can help you.
  19. bustednuts

    Help needed to install NIArms complete

    If you would like you can hit me up as well. I am more than happy to share my knowledge. I may not be as good as MR Stokes but I am sure I can help you.You can find me also on steam, Bustednuts is my id.
  20. bustednuts

    Adding CUP to loot table

    I have done this many times. I have for if you have a error , The compiler will tell you what you did wrong. 9 times out of 10 it's a missed comma . I have done,CUP,RHS NIA ARMS . You name it , I had it in a loot table. Just got over you work and you should be fine.
  21. bustednuts

    Esseker Vehicles Glitch

    Has anyone have a fix laying around for the Esseker vehicle glitching into map problem. I am running the Cup Terrains if that helps. Thanks again!
  22. bustednuts

    Esseker problems

    Ok , i have had this server running for a while . Now what happened . Someone I know went and edited something in the missions file or possibly something else and now I am getting random crashes. It was running fine. I have since locked access to my database but I can't seem to find the error on what's causing the crashes. This is what i am running And here is where I think the crash begins That is the First error set. Then I think this one is the killer. There is A LOT to look at there . My RPT logs have been the 18k range. So if any of you guys have a idea on what could be causing the problem. Let me know and i will get right on it.. Thanks for looking!
  23. bustednuts

    Tanoa stopped spawning loot?

    It really didnt matter what server config I put in it . I tested 3 server config files and it had the same results. So I wiped it and Loot started to spawn right away.
  24. bustednuts

    Tanoa stopped spawning loot?

    So I ran into a problem yesterday evening. I wanted to change a few things in the custom loot table that I made with the exile loot compiler. I made my changes and recompiled the loot table. Inserted it into the exile server config. Backed up the current and and restarted the server. No loot.??? Well not completely. Lot will spawn but it ignores most buildings and and it doesn't spawn correct amount. So I killed it and put in the saved backup and same thing. Is there a way to purge the server's memory when it comes to spawning loot without wiping the database?
  25. bustednuts

    Esseker No loot and weird errors

    Well . Update on what I have been doing and trying to get esseker to spawn loot. Rappidxshots was nice enough to offer help. He gave me a server_config.sqf file to try. So I put it in and wiped the server, It spawned loot for about 5 minutes and then stopped????? Completely baffled at this point. I was going through all my stuff making sure everything looked proper when I stumbled on this. In my mission.sqm It calls out esseker map but its in lower case. So I changed it to a upper case E and it started to spawn loot. But it is inconsistant and it is not going off of the instructions. IDK if you guys see anything that also needs to be placed in there or ???? Thanks for looking .