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  1. NuDe

    After Restart server dont Shows in A3 Launcher

    Does your server doesnt show up on all launchers including the ingame one or only in the one you are using?
  2. NuDe

    Server admin and ect

    What do you want? you need to be a little bit more precise, otherwise just double click arma3server.exe and you are running a server^^
  3. NuDe

    After Restart server dont Shows in A3 Launcher

    Does the server showed up once and then never ever again or was everything fine untill the last restart? is your server running?
  4. NuDe

    Server doesn't show Mods

    I don't know about the windows servers, but i got it working. All i had to do was rename every file inside my used mod folders to lowercase. Now i'm able to run the server like this: -mod=@exile\;@allinarmaterrainpacklite\;@esseker -servermod=@exileserver
  5. NuDe

    Server doesn't show Mods

    My server runs fine without problems, but i have to use the -servermod parameter for everything except @exile and so nobody will see what kind of mods i run. If you filter the servers by the mods in any launcher application it won't show up. If you are running a server on linux, you got the same problem.
  6. NuDe

    Server doesn't show Mods

    Thx but that doesn't work. In order to get esseker running you have to write the @aia and @esseker in the servermod parameter.
  7. NuDe

    Server doesn't show Mods

    I'm running a linux server with esseker but the used mods are not shown in Arma 3 itself or for example A3Launcher. As far as i know it is because steamserverquery shows only the -mod parameter not the -servermod one. Anything i can do about it?
  8. To reduce loot and load. I really don't like the loot system right now. As far as i know (and observed) right now the loot spawns around your position but not to close, that means 2 players not too far from each other are preventing constantly the loot to spawn (at least where their radius is crossed). And on well populatd servers there is often a delay of the loot spawn, means you see "loot spawned in your area" 300 meters after you passed the building. So i decided to use LSpawner (btw a nice way of having loot in territorys and so handles the "ehehehehe i just leave this flag right here in pyrgos eheheh" trolls).
  9. Before i figure everything out myself i ask and maybe someone a tiny bit more helpful knows something like "comment out line xxx at yyy"
  10. I'm using the LSpawner and want to disable the standard loot spawn system, is this possible?
  11. NuDe

    Rented server

    Do you have allot of custom stuff going on on your server (VEMF, Infistar, Missions, Zombies etc.)? My rented server had this problem too, but only with custom stuff. The vanilla exile server was running in seconds. I guess it is a problem when the server is at 100% cpu load.
  12. So i opened every needed port in the machine and in my router but still no success... i dont get it, i can connect to my virtual machine through ssh or simply ping it without a problem, but the server isn't showing up
  13. NuDe

    bAdmin - In-Game Admin Menu from A3W

    thanks, that worked.
  14. NuDe

    bAdmin - In-Game Admin Menu from A3W

    any chance of getting it working on a linux machine? right now my.rpt shows me "bAdmin - Server Compile Finished" "bAdmin - ERROR! \bAdmin_settings\admins.sqf not found!" "bAdmin - This folder must be in the server directory" even so the folder is there. I also tried to change externalConfigFolder = "\bAdmin_settings"; to externalConfigFolder = "\badmin_settings"; and renamed the folder because linux has problems with capital letters... but no success. Any help?
  15. So i created a centos server with VMware on my local Pc and the exile server runs fine, but i cannot connect to it ingame neither by typing in the address manually nor over the lan function. It doesn't show up. The network connection settings in vmware are bridged, so i don't see the reason... maybe someone can point me in the right direction.