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About MoNtEcRiStO

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  1. MoNtEcRiStO

    Best specs for a server?

    @1Vincent Van Goat Your 4790k is perfect for run Arma 3 serveur for the hight frequency. My recommandation to you is to set affinity tread in your task manager. You dedicated the 4 first tread to the Arma 3 server and the 4 last to all the rest of the app you run on your server (including MySQL). Like that you have 4 clean tread just work for your server and the first tread have more hight frequency than the last one, you gonna gain 20%-25% more performance like that. And you set the priority to hight by default. Probably you have a app monopoliz your CPU by intermitence and that make your CPU unstable. Let me know if that help you. See the link for more infos.
  2. MoNtEcRiStO

    [4RT] Exile Chernarus

    Je ne voie pas l'adresse de votre TS
  3. MoNtEcRiStO


    Notre raison de survivre est de permettre aux francophones d’avoir accès à une communautée francophone. Cette plateforme ce spécialise dans les jeux de survie mais est aussi ouverte aux différents types de jeux désirés par la communautée. Nous sommes une administration très ouverte aux nouvelles idées et à l’écoute de ses membres.Nous avons un seul but, crée une communauté avec qui partager de bons moments de gameplay. Le serveur est heberger sur notre dédier car nous en avons toujours eux une, du coup le serveur ne fermera jaimais sans raison valable.
  4. MoNtEcRiStO

    Black screen when entering

    I got it in the server files in the download section of the officiel web site. if you can cary me the fixed version im gonna accept it.
  5. MoNtEcRiStO

    Black Screen Issue

    wrt12345 can you share your solution?
  6. MoNtEcRiStO

    Black screen when entering

    [23:25:33:564125 --4:00] [Thread 3592] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL [23:25:33:566298 --4:00] [Thread 3592] extDB2: Database Session Pool Started [23:25:33:567217 --4:00] [Thread 3592] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Loading Template Filename: D:\ExileNamalsk\@ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini [23:25:33:567301 --4:00] [Thread 3592] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Version 12 Detected, Latest Version 12 Available [23:26:19:112863 --4:00] [Thread 3592] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [23:26:38:014610 --4:00] [Thread 3592] extDB2: Stopping ... that the RTP for this error...
  7. MoNtEcRiStO

    Black screen when entering

  8. MoNtEcRiStO

    Mission.sqm duplicat 2x items in safe zone.

    work btw thank!
  9. MoNtEcRiStO

    Mission.sqm duplicat 2x items in safe zone.

    thank for fast answer i will try that. I keep you in touch!
  10. Hi sorry for my english is not my first langage. Some body have the same issu of me. The custom item and building is duplicat in the safe zone exempl: 2x office, table, building you have to open two door for acces to him. im crazy or...?
  11. MoNtEcRiStO

    MBCon - Open Source BEC Replacement

    [ScheduledTasks] Enabled=true Debug=false ;Schedule=Schedule.json Schedule=Schedule.xml I renamed shedule.json to .xml and its not working..