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    FIX For Zeds In Safe Zones!!

    yes fine with me ... yes i have no problem with that..

    FIX For Zeds In Safe Zones!!

    this is my fnc_Zcontact.sqf just copy mine to fix zeds spawning in the safe zones...this script works 98% of the time you will still get a random zed in the safe zone from time to time but this is a major help trust me...Give it a try and post some feed Thx Guys...you can see the chunk of code at the bottom that deletes the zeds... _suoni = ["zomb1","zomb2","zomb3"]; _zombie = _this select 0; _zombie disableAI "FSM"; _zombie disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _zombie disableAI "TARGET"; _zombie setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _zombie disableConversation true; _zombie addRating -10000; zarray = zarray + [_zombie]; if (zombierun < 1) then {_zombie setdamage 0.5;}; while {alive _zombie} do { _unitsaround = _zombie nearEntities ["Man", 500]; _targets = []; { if (group _x != groupZMB && side _x != SideZMB) then { _targets = _targets +[_x]; }; sleep 0.01; }foreach _unitsaround; _ntargets = count _targets; if (_ntargets> 0) then { _target = player; { if (_zombie distance position _x < _zombie distance position _target) then { _target = _x; }; sleep 0.01; }foreach _targets; if (_zombie distance getposATL _target < 160) then {_zombie doMove getposATL _target;}; if (_zombie distance getposATL _target < 1.5 && alive _target && _target != _zombie) then { _zombie switchMove "AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_end"; _target setDamage (damage _target + (zombiedamage/100)); _zombie say3d "zomb2"; sleep 1.5; }; }; if (!isDedicated) then { if (player distance position _zombie > 400) then { zarray = zarray - [_zombie]; deletevehicle _zombie; }; } else { if (player distance position _zombie > 400) then { zarray = zarray - [_zombie]; deletevehicle _zombie; }; }; sleep 0.5; { _markerName = _x; if (getMarkerType _markerName == "ExileTraderZone") then { if ((getMarkerPos _markerName) distance2D (getPos player) < ((getMarkerSize _markerName) select 0)) then { { _zombie = _x; if(!(isPlayer _zombie)) then { if(isNil {_zombie getVariable "BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable"}) then { _zombie setdamage 1; deleteVehicle _zombie; } }; } forEach (player nearEntities ['Man',100]); }; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; }; //player addRating 2000; _zombie setdamage 1; sleep respawntime; zarray = zarray - [_zombie]; deletevehicle _zombie;

    chernarus server

    updated to the latest version of exile and low and behold problems i spent 5 days building my custom traders my mission file is not the problem my problem is that when i launch the server my RPT tells me that the server is running 9.20 after i downloaded and updated all the files with the new ones this makes no sense and yes i updated the key also but server still launches with version 9.20 why is this happing any help would be great...I know it has to be something dumb but im ready to go nuts...Thx Guys..

    Weird error in my Rpt log

    thx captain i did some editing to the mission system yesterday but added no weapons or any speical item just increased the ai spawn at missions and changed some of the numbers for the counts of weapon and item in crates do you think this might be were my problem is?..going to check now..

    rpt log question

    @infinstar jusk wanted to ask if this error would be related to ur anti hack? Warning Message: Error: creating magazine Exile_AbstractItem with scope=private 8:33:38 Warning Message: Cannot open object exile_client\model\exile_item_mountaindupe.p3d i installed the anti hack the other day and did not have the error yesterday there were a few admins on playing with the spawn menu and spawning different stuff i dont think that would cause this error any ides from you brother? thx again..

    Weird error in my Rpt log

    Warning Message: Error: creating magazine Exile_AbstractItem with scope=private 8:33:38 Warning Message: Cannot open object exile_client\model\exile_item_mountaindupe.p3d All i can find is something about the anti hack i am running infinstar so has anybody else had this error i did not have it yesterday and have done no edits to misson file or server side so any idea guys?

    Anyone have a working tow script

    the system loads the script first as opposed to later cause i have a feeling that the system does not load the script all the way after loading other mods first but it works for sure

    Anyone have a working tow script

    Ok guys i have the fix for this script the tut in the first post is wrong....what you need to do is to paste this at the top of your description.ext #include "R3F_LOG\desc_include.h" then u need to paste this at the top of your init.sqf [] execVM "R3F_LOG\init.sqf"; then go into ur battleye filters and open the attachto.txt and change the 7 to a 1 and your good to go...The R3F folder still goes into ur mission folder..running great..

    Server intro script help

    here is the sound fix went thru the same thing this is the part that goes in ur Description.ext here is my code in use and working every time with out fail class CfgMusic { tracks[] = {}; class intro { name = "intro"; sound[] = {"\custom\welcome.ogg", 15.0, 1}; }; }; the reason for the error is because in the original post GR8 posted forgot the [] after sound...
  10. [CSG]SMOKE

    Old Forum Post

    We currently have active zeds on our server CSG EXILE | ZOMBIES | Custom Missions | Deploy Bike | Heli Crashes | IP: check it out if you guys get a chance...Sry for this post not trying to advertise her but they wiped the forums today so just thought i would mention it.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ohy6laf0rigwnpw/ZOMBIES_CODE-master.zip?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/rps8rb2jc0vaepx/Zombies-and-Demons-V22.zip?dl=0 one is the client side mod and one is the files you need to set up the zeds on ur server with no client side downloads..