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Everything posted by Ultima-weapon

  1. Ultima-weapon

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    This will allow you to sell a crate (or the contents of the crate) directly to the waste dump trader. How your players get the crate to the trader depends on how you have your server setup. To get crates to the trader, you can use Advanced Sling Loading, IgiLoad, R3F, etc.. It does not matter how you get the crate to the trader. What does matter, is that once it is there, it cannot be attached to anything to be detected by the Waste Dump trader. This was done to prevent players from selling someone else's crate before it is even unloaded from a truck or dropped from a helicopter. Once unloaded or dropped, anyone will be able to sell the crate to the Waste Dump trader. You will need to modify two client-side files and one server side file. Additionally, you will need to include these three files in the CfgExileCustomCode. Client-Side File: ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryDropdown.sqf Client-Side File: ExileClient_gui_wasteDumpDialog_show.sqf Server-Side File: ExileServer_system_trading_network_wasteDumpRequest.sqf CfgExileCustomCode: Make sure you set the appropriate file path in your CfgExileCustomCode if it is different than mine or your server will not be able to find the files. Note: This will NOT require any changes to Advanced Sling Load, IgiLoad, R3F or any other logistics script needed to transport crates to the Waste Dump trader. Enjoy!
  2. Ultima-weapon

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    I purposely left both options (Sell Contents Only / Sell Contents and Crate); this allows players to utilize the crate for extra storage later and depending on the type of crate, also install the crate to their base. If players are just leaving empty crates at the trader, other players can sell the empty crate (for zero tabs) to get rid of them; they will also disappear from the trader on server restart.
  3. Ultima-weapon

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    In Infistar, set: fix_wastedump_dupe = "false"; as Bruiser did.
  4. Ultima-weapon

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    @Bruiser I am using an older version of Infistar, LVC is the Local Vehicle Check setting.
  5. Ultima-weapon

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    @Bruiser I do not experience the issue with Infistar that you claim to have, however, if I had to guess, try: LVC = "false";
  6. Ultima-weapon

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

  7. Ultima-weapon

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    @kuplion It uses the same functions used for selling a vehicle to get Uniform, Vest, and Backpack items. It is literally an overwrite of the same script that handles the vehicles. I add to those scripts a crate list for detection and modify what it does with locality of the crates.
  8. Ultima-weapon

    Exile Bug Fixes

    @kuplion removing the tweaks will get normal simulation back, however, you will still be dealing with vehicles starting and stopping. Additionally, I edited my original post to include additional files that needed to be edited. Enjoy.
  9. Ultima-weapon

    Exile Bug Fixes

    @kuplion so far, no, but I also don't have a very large player base on A3 atm. Edit: Seems vehicles spawned from the a Virtual Garage (if you have this script running) don't properly simulate and cannot be entered (not sure if this is always or just in the few tests that have been done).
  10. Ultima-weapon

    Unlock and lock not working

    This is very likely related to dynamic simulation. If the engine turns on, it cancels the ability to lock/unlock. I have posted about it here:
  11. Ultima-weapon

    Exile Bug Fixes

    Ever since Dynamic Simulation was implemented (A3 1.66), players have reported vehicles starting and stopping when getting out of them. Though it does not always occur, I have implemented the following fix on my servers and it has stopped the issue from occurring. Here is the fix: Change code in ExileServer_system_simulationMonitor_network_enableSimulationRequest.sqf (Server Side) to the following: EDIT: Additionally, change code in ExileServer_system_simulationMonitor_thread_toggleSimulation.sqf (Server Side) to the following: EDIT2: Found some additional places that needed fixing. ExileServer_object_player_createBambi.sqf (Server Side) ExileServer_object_construction_database_load.sqf (Server Side) ExileServer_object_construction_network_buildConstructionRequest.sqf (Server Side) ExileServer_object_construction_network_buildTerritoryRequest.sqf (Server Side) ExileServer_object_container_database_load.sqf (Server Side) ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load.sqf (Server Side) ExileServer_object_vehicle_event_onGetIn.sqf (Server Side) The idea is to enable dynamic simulation for any vehicle that doesn't have it activated. Once dynamic simulation is enabled the vehicle simulation will automatically enable/disable when a player is within the default Arma settings for dynamic simulation range. It is possible to change those defaults, however, I do not believe it is necessary (Ref: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dynamic_Simulation). Enjoy!
  12. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    Perf v1 is simply another way of saying dev branch. But instead of dev, they are using perf because they are not putting any new developments out, but instead giving server owners and modders a version to test that the fixes they are getting ready to push will actually fix everything. Reality, they don't know what all they broke and they want to put as many eyes (people that they don't have to pay) on the problem as they can get. As for a normal update, that is supposed to be released later this week assuming that testing in Perf v1 goes well.
  13. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    check the changelogs, pretty sure they change the server restart command to something like #serverRestart (or something like that).
  14. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    @Sgt. ScrapMetal You are right, this is not a true 'Fix' per-say. It is more like a band-aid until BI releases the real fix to 1.66. However, the issue that you are experiencing is more due to low server response (or server FPS), likely a result of too man AI on the server. In order to get the (now AI) unit that was previously the player that disconnected. The server must check each unit on the server for a variable containing the players UID. These requests are then stacked in a queue by the server until the server can process them. If you are testing this with multiple players constantly connecting and disconnecting rapidly, you are putting a lot of load on the server to both manage the connect scripts (which are a lot) to include possible mission file download and manage searching every AI unit each time a player disconnects. If the server equipment is not fast enough to process all of these requests, it is possible to get a unit to still be visible to players on reconnect. However, it is also very likely that when the server catches up, all old player units will be handled. While the testing you are doing shows a flaw in the band-aid, it does not represent normal player behavior. Again, the fix is nothing more than a band-aid to get everyone by while BI gets their act together and fixes the source of the problem. Enjoy! Edit: Additionally I just purposely spawned 20+ missions containing 40+ units each to try an bog down my server and had players disconnect and reconnect rapidly and was unable to replicate what you are experiencing. The players' remaining units were instantly de-spawned the moment they disconnected.
  15. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    you can find them by opening the exile_server.pbo (server side) and exile_client.pbo (client side)
  16. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    @Flosstradamus Thanks much. Hope everyone gets their servers up and going again.
  17. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    @StokesMagee That probably would work too. I simply used the Exile model for that ppEffect. Additionally, if any other mods use BIS_DeathBlur, i didn't want to remove its effects completely.
  18. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    Hello everyone, As I posted earlier in this thread, I am back from work and have found the fix I promised. First, a very big thanks to the Exile devs for coding a mod where the code itself is actually very easy to follow. Second, I would like to say thanks to all those who have thus far supported the fixes that I have posted in this thread thus far. Third, while I appreciate the effort of the individuals who have posted untested fixes for the disconnect/reconnect bug, there are some inherent flaws in those codes and though i did not try or test them, I do not believe they can possibly work because of the following: a) No client side code should be called from the server side; b) you should not sent objNull for the unit you want removed on disconnect. (There is more, but I will leave it at that. If this offends you, I am deeply sorry.) Disclaimer: This code was not written or modified by the Exile dev team and therefore is not an 'Official' fix. Use at your own risk. With that out of the way, let me continue with the fixes that I have. To fix the endless blur after death: To fix the onPlayerKilled event handler not firing: The above files need to be changed and placed in the 'fixes' folder (or folder of your choice if you know what you are doing) in your mission.pbo. Then make sure to add the following to your CfgExileCustomCode in config.cpp To fix the disconnect/reconnect dupe (Comparable with servers that run with or without CBA) : Repack your server.pbo and mission.pbo and enjoy!
  19. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    For those that think it does save, yes it does. However, that is because exile does a forced save every 5mins (something i have changed on my servers to happen every 5 seconds) and each time you change your inventory and such but as i said before, the server side onHandleDisconnect file does not fire, which not only forces a save, but also removes your unit(character) from the game when you disconnect. Headed to work now, will work it out after work.
  20. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    the reason nothing is saved on disconnect is because the file Exile_network_event_onHandleDisconnect.sqf is not being fired. The file it is set to be fired is in ExileServer_system_network_setupEventHandlers.sqf, but I haven't figured out what needs to be changed to make it fire and it is already 2AM and i got work in the morning, so must sleep now. Sorry.
  21. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    The original files are in the exile_client.pbo. You will have to unpack it to get them. Make the above edits to the files and put them in a folder name 'fixed' in your MPmission pbo.
  22. Ultima-weapon

    1.66 BUGS/PROBLEMS HOTFIX Released!

    I have fix all except the disconnect/reconnect dupe so far. ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_initialize.sqf Add: BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectAdjust [0]; BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectCommit 0; BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectEnable false; After: ExileClientPostProcessingSecurityCameraFilmGrain ppEffectEnable false; Before: true ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_reset.sqf Add: BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectAdjust [0]; BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectCommit 0; BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectEnable false; After: ExileClientPostProcessingDelirium ppEffectEnable false; Before: true ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_toggleDialogBackgroundBlur.sqf Add: BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectAdjust [0]; BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectCommit 0; BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectEnable false; Before: if (_this) then ExileClient_object_player_death_startBleedingOut.sqf Add: BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectAdjust [0]; BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectCommit 0; BIS_DeathBlur ppEffectEnable false; After: ExileClientPostProcessingColorCorrections ppEffectCommit _respawnDelay; Before: ExileClientPostProcessingBackgroundBlur ppEffectAdjust [0]; ExileClient_object_player_event_onKilled.sqf Add: [_this select 0, _this select 1, 3, 120] call ExileClient_object_player_event_onPlayerKilled; Before: closeDialog 0; Once i find where onPlayerDisconnect is fired, I will find a way to fix that as well, but not tonight. Maybe someone will have a fix for this by the time I get off work tomorrow. Edit: class CfgExileCustomCode { ExileClient_object_player_event_onKilled = "fixes\ExileClient_object_player_event_onKilled.sqf"; ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_initialize = "fixes\ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_initialize.sqf"; ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_reset = "fixes\ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_reset.sqf"; ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_toggleDialogBackgroundBlur = "fixes\ExileClient_gui_postProcessing_toggleDialogBackgroundBlur.sqf"; ExileClient_object_player_death_startBleedingOut = "fixes\ExileClient_object_player_death_startBleedingOut.sqf"; };
  23. Ultima-weapon

    Looking for a 3D dev

    I won't go into specifics, however, I want to make a mod for my exile server (and everyone) that will add content (uniforms, items, weapons, etc..). I am very experienced with writing config files and sqf scripts, however, my experience falls apart when manipulating 3D character models to work with A3. I am looking for a 3D developer that will be able to convert 3D character models that I will send to him/her to work as A3 character uniforms/equipment. I am currently able to add my character models into A3 as static objects and they look fantastic, however, I am unable to make the models into playable character uniforms. If you have what it takes ,would be willing to help add a great content mod to the A3 community, and don't mind doing it for free, please send me a message on discord https://discord.gg/0bfJoi0XaNhjEzc5