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Everything posted by Logan

  1. Trying to create an Exile server on my dedi using Maca's method. Tried looking on the site, My persistent in my config.cfg is set to 1 Getting this error. 17:14:44 Dedicated host created. 17:14:49 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.205) 17:14:49 Autoinit is supported only for persistent missions!
  2. Logan

    BEC/Mbcon/RCON Setup

    I'm at my wits end trying to set BEC/Mbcon/RCON up. I have www.ibattle.org ibattle.org in my hosts file, I have ServerExeName = arma3server.exe in my config file, and I have a BEServer,cfg in my battleye folder for BEC For Mbcon, I've set it up and it just won't connect to the server. Not entirely sure what else to do, any help is appreciated. EDIT:FIXED
  3. Logan

    BEC/Mbcon/RCON Setup

  4. I seem to have fixed it by removing -ip= from the startup
  5. Fixed it, forgot to change the main directory it was looking in o_o lol Now getting this 18:06:49 Cannot start host on port 2332 le sigh
  6. Gave yours a try, getting this Launching Server Watching DTG Arma 3 Exile Server The system cannot find the file arma3server.exe.