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About benualdinho

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  1. benualdinho

    |ATD| Exile Napf

    Very good server, the settings are nice and admin is very nice. The only problem at the moment is that with holidays and Tanoa released the population has reduced but I expect a lot a new players to join the server because it is so good! I recommend it for small teams (2-3 people), lonewolfes or even big teams trying to dominate the server
  2. Would be great to have the possibility to pay your base maintenance from the smartphone app irl. Especially when you go on holidays for 2 weeks.
  3. benualdinho

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    can't wait for Namalsk and evidently would like to participate !
  4. benualdinho


    I think that the bank system as it is should be removed to add interest to the game. Player would have money in inventory for selling stuff, and have to store into their base, car, secret place etc.. to hide it. Same for buying stuff, you would have to take your money and bring it to the trader. It would add interest to having a safe or hidden base.
  5. benualdinho

    desirable additions to base building

    Floor doors (upgradable & lockable of course) would be a nice addition too. Ladders would be great also.