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  1. Hi Guys, i was able to handle all battleye scrips but now i am stuck at this one: tried to add alot of variations to my scripts.txt but none of them work. Thx, crecker
  2. crecker

    stuck on server loading

    Same here running Linux. Arma3 Server and Exile fresh installed. 16:53:33 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Statement Exception" 16:53:33 Error in expression <se_handleBig; }; }; ((_result select 1) select 0) select 0> 16:53:33 Error position: <select 0) select 0> 16:53:33 Error Generic error in expression 16:53:33 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingleField.sqf, line 27 16:53:33 Error in expression <se_handleBig; }; }; ((_result select 1) select 0) select 0> 16:53:33 Error position: <select 0) select 0> 16:53:33 Error Generic error in expression 16:53:33 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingleField.sqf, line 27
  3. crecker

    [WIP] Modless Zombie Spawn system

    Open fnc_ZProximity.sqf and edit line 11 _units = ["C_man_polo_1_F_euro","C_man_polo_2_F_asia","C_man_polo_3_F","C_man_polo_4_F","C_man_polo_5_F","C_man_polo_6_F","C_man_p_fugitive_F","C_scientist_F","C_man_hunter_1_F","C_journalist_F","C_Nikos2","C_Driver_1_F"]; I did that and added Ryans Z&D. But they are very hard to kill. Would like to change the side from civilian to east so my AIs attack them as well but the config.sqf says /* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DON'T EDIT BELOW! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX */ SideZMB = createCenter civilian; groupZMB = createGroup civilian; sleep 0.1; fncZcontact = compile preprocessFile "zombie\fnc_Zcontact.sqf"; fncZproximity = compile preprocessFile "zombie\fnc_ZProximity.sqf"; zarray=[]; []call fncZproximity; /* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DON'T EDIT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX */ Is it possible to change it anyway or will it mess up? Thx, crecker
  4. crecker

    Vanilla Chernarus mission file

    Hello spear, thanks for the mission file. I just added the traders and got the following problem with the vehicle trader: If i buy a car i spawn around 50 meters away from the trader in the field. If other players buy cars they spawn right next to the trader which causes the cars to bug in a wall and explode. Can you tell me where the spawn point of the vehicle is handled? TIA, Carsten
  5. crecker

    @Esseker breaking my server :(

    Are you starting your server from your bash?
  6. crecker

    Linux Server Installation Guide

    Hi, for step 10 and 11 i would recommend the following: wget unrar e extDB2-v65.rar cp ~/steamcmd/arma3/@exileserver The Filezilla part is a bit confusing as you work with wget and cp normally.
  7. crecker

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Me too. A3XAI works well with upper case letters. Let me know if it works for you, too.
  8. crecker

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Finaly found out why this happened on my Linux Server. Everything in the @ryanzombie directory hast to be lower case.
  9. crecker

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Hi, i dont have any Zombie spawns. Here is a snipped of the Logs if a player spawns: 8:31:39 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RyanZombieC_Orestesslow, 8:31:39 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RyanZombieboss1, 8:31:39 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RyanZombieC_man_hunter_1_Fslow, 8:31:53 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f_1slow, 8:31:53 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RyanZombieB_Soldier_03_f_1slow, 8:32:05 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RyanZombieC_Nikosslow, BE is deactivated for testing atm. Any ideas? Thanks!
  10. crecker

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Stuck on "receiving server version". Any what could be wrong? TIA, Crecker
  11. crecker

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Alright thank you, it helps!
  12. crecker

    EXILE-Z Project - Add Zombies to Exile

    Hi, on a fresh installed Exile Server, can i put the ZOM Directory and the init.sqf into the exile_server.pbo located in @exileserver? I am a little bit confused by the term "your mpmission of choice". Thanks in advance, crecker
  13. crecker

    Linux Server Installation Guide

    Hi, great work thank you! Just one thing: On your 5. step you do the following: mv keys/ ~/steamcmd/arma3/keys/ That creates a keys subfolder in ~/steamcmd/arma3/keys/ which gave me an error while trying to join.So i would recommend the following:mv keys/* ~/steamcmd/arma3/keys/ Regards,crecker EDIT: Same for mv mpmissions/ ~/steamcmd/arma3/mpmissions/