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About Jameson

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  1. Jameson

    Goodbye, Arma!

    really sad news, also whats the plan with the update what was in the making are u pushing out or just leaving it? but good luck to all of the dev team. but the mod is great how it is now tbh and i dont really want it to be taken on by anyone else, i think now server owners can make it to how they like it i.e adding little things and changing things. in the end i dont think you could of done much more as its so great atm
  2. Jameson

    1.0.0 "Potato"

    yeah its saying the archive is corrupt and its not been updated yet on a3 launcher
  3. Jameson

    1.0.0 "Potato"

    anyone having problems downloading the new update?
  4. Jameson

    preview of gear

    good idea for the future tho
  5. Jameson

    Car Keys and Locking

    also if you have more than 1 key for 1 car then people cant say to a admin "my mate logged with the keys"
  6. Jameson

    Car Keys and Locking

    ok what about make a shop in the trader where u can buy a copy of your key then you have 2 then if someone gets the key and the car he can take it to the trader and pay to get the locks changed
  7. Jameson

    Car Keys and Locking

    think this sounds abit too much i think it would be best to keep it abit simple at the start to see how it goes/works
  8. Jameson

    Car Keys and Locking

    great idea but too soon, all the bugs such as stuff going missing when logging in for example uniforms and then the keys are gone would be so annoying and annoying for admins too.
  9. Jameson

    bush kits

    any one know how to make a bush kit, i have tried cutting a bush down with a axe and nothing ?
  10. Jameson


    what about just add handcuff keys do the game so if u get handcuffed then u need a friend or you will have to pay someone to help you and if you do suicide you lose 200 rp also what if you can move when handcuffed that would be better but you cant access your inventory, cant put anything in your hands and cant sprint so if you escape then you have a limited amount of time to find someone to help you or you die from hunger and thirst or get shot as you can not shoot back
  11. Jameson


    what does everyone think of paint been added to bases such as u can paint your walls/doors/gates you can get your standard colours then u can add like camo paint whats very hard to find or something, its more things to do/ add to your base plus it makes bases more unique to there owner as atm every base is just a brown box. also this would help inside bases too say the red door is where u put all the guns or the blue door is the food room as i can never remember where stuff is lol or you could just add signs to the game what you can put on boxxes/safes and doors saying say gun box anything really just a suggestion also, what about been able to paint striders/hunters and ifrits different colours such as blue,red,green different camos just makes people its abit better in my opinion its better than everyone being the same. looking forward to the feedback.
  12. Jameson

    Water dispenser in own base

    great idea, i think you should be made craft it or buy it from the trader then place it in your base then you have to take it to some where to refill it such as the trader or the sea but if you go to the sea it should take longer to refill or something like that
  13. ok well 1000 it was just an example mate i was just pointing out the idea behind it
  14. i think the revive could work well but make it more interesting/harder like for example you can only revive a player if you have a medical box/injection type thing all you have to do is make them cost say 500 each and hard to find then they wont be used as much because people wont want to lose them. also if you do it like this not every person will have them and be able to do it. also make it that if a player gets revived if you then kill them you only get say 50% or lower of the rp
  15. some amazing ideas here, also would love to see open and closing windows more stations you can add to your base such as a portable water source and a station where you can fix your cars just more things like this makes base building more fun/important. a thing what im not sure on is some sort of camera you can add to say above your front door where you can place liek a computer screen or tv in your base what shows a live picture but they would have to cost alot or be able to take damage to stop them been to op and not allowing thermal on them i would also like to see cars/helis been much more harder to get as on the server i play on is really great but 90% of the time when i see a player hes in a car or he has one parked close by or hes a Bambi something like this is hard to fix tho because u don't really wont them too expensive but you don't want them too cheap