[AdHK] Lilly

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Everything posted by [AdHK] Lilly

  1. [AdHK] Lilly

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    I got a bit of a "too good to be true" feeling, but that's hopefully just pessimistic me. It does sound like an awesome piece of work, thanks!
  2. [AdHK] Lilly

    The server could kinda use a restart

    It doesn't restart at all, it seems, only when updates are applied. Hence why the airport is littered with boxes and boxes and Oh, and there is definitely no more campfire at the trader zone, though it was said that there should be fires.
  3. [AdHK] Lilly

    Please bring back Designated spawns

    Well, you might say that is already happening... whenever I'm on, it seems as if half of all kills consist of Bambi slaying. When the two spawn areas were active and running just after the beta went live, some sweethearts were definitely camping at those areas.
  4. [AdHK] Lilly

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    Team [AdHK] would like to join in ... approximately 4 players, perhaps a few more.