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  1. CamP

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    That shouldn't be required, as I too am running Occupation with no issue to PTWS
  2. CamP

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    That's the only other addon I know of that could cause an issue. Sorry
  3. CamP

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    Do you have the DMS Occupation addon by chance? If so, it has it's own clock/time mod that you'll need to turn off before enabling this.
  4. CamP

    Vial of Salt's ExileZ Server

    What you did would fit under not restricting access to traders. If people can't reliably sell their items at the trader while in the safezone then you're breaking the rule. Also, your friends were never threatened with a ban when they killed me, but I was going to kill them the next time they were outside of the safezone. That's neither here nore there at this point. I'll be re-instating the ban. Feel free to take your friends with you as you're all toxic. Enjoy! Wolfie's GUID: f14746c88d044ae5d95cd9216c9c2c6d
  5. CamP

    Vial of Salt's ExileZ Server

    To add context, the user and his friends had asked if they could steal vehicles from users while they were in the Safezone. I explained how I felt on the matter, that they shouldn't be dicks (Which is a rule) and actively steal players vehicles while they're (the person who's obviously the owner) present in the safezone. They acknowledged that sentiment and went on their way. Skip ahead a few hours, I'm towing my Humvee to the Safezone, and the user above immediately got into the car I was towing, changed the PIN and locked it. I kindly asked for him to unlock it, which he refused so I banned him from the server. Onto the the next compalint: GLITCHES I acknowledged their claim, that their vehicles were disappearing in the safezone when locked up. Two things they didn't realize is the Safezone isn't a place where you store your vehicles for extended periods of time. Upon reboots the server unlocks all vehicles within the Safezone. Furthermore another user stepped in saying they shouldn't leave their vehicles in the safezone with an easy PIN which was apparently 6969. The other user in the server explained how he stole all their vehicles and sold them after being left in the safezone unattended. I was calm and collected during their rant, and continued to hear them out after banning the above user from the server. Unfortunately he decided to make this false claim/review. Kind regards, CamP
  6. CamP

    Need some direction

    Once you've knocked out getting an Arma's server running. Check out this guide...
  7. CamP

    Need some direction

    Have you taken A look at
  8. CamP

    [SOLVED] Server Startup Parameters not working

    Since it's Windows, it really shouldn't matter. But let this be a lesson for you linux folk out there!
  9. CamP

    [SOLVED] Server Startup Parameters not working

    Can you try the following: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -config="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\@exileserver\config.cfg" -mod=@Exile -servermod=@exileserver or possibly even... "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\arma3server.exe" -config="@exileserver\config.cfg" -mod=@Exile -servermod=@exileserver I'm guessing it's not properly reading the config.cfg file and isn't grabbing the mission.
  10. CamP

    server mods

    Did you place a3_dms.pbo and a3_exile_occupation.pbo into your /arma3folder/@exileserver/addons folder? That's literally all you should need to do.
  11. CamP

    Vial of Salt's ExileZ Server

    Welcome to Vial of Salt's ExileZ Server. (Date Started 12/19/16) Requirements: APEX, Exile, and Zombies and Demons. This is a PvP server. Don't whine when you lose gear, vehicles or items. Current Scripts: Halo Jump Towing AI Missions Planning on adding more! Current Hardware: M.2 SSD Storage 3.4GHz Haswell-E CPU Gigabit Network/Uplink Headless Client We recommend you run the latest arma3client_performance_166_139792_v7.7z released from BIStudio. Server IP: :2302
  12. CamP

    Zombies & Demons - Exile-Z?

    I've had zero performance issues. I have spawners set in every city that will spawn anywhere between 30-50 zombies every 10 minutes. For each city I have a module for spawning the zombies, deleting the zombies when no players are within 300 meters, and their difficulty.
  13. CamP

    Thermal Scanners

    Although I do agree that it can be simple... Doesn't it require you to use the Thermal Scanner within a certain time frame to show heat signatures? Also, if you guess 3 incorrectly, doesn't it lock you out for 30 minutes?
  14. CamP

    Zombies & Demons - Exile-Z?

    So Ryanzombies and Zombies and Demons are literally the same thing. I don't know why they changed the name on different sites. The reason you didn't see any zombies spawn is because you need to either manually place zombie spawners using the map editor or use one of the scripts provided by users on this website.
  15. CamP

    Loot spawning issues since 9.34

    I guess that's your opinion. I'm personally enjoying the new loot system.