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Everything posted by lowrey

  1. lowrey

    Complete Backup Scripts

    Simple scripts that can be run from task scheduler or BEC/MRCON etc... .bat files the will Backup MySQL and any important Arma 3 server files. These .bat files can be uses for multiple applications. Feel free to download and amend the files here: Link If you want to automate the Arma 3 server backup, insure you remove the “pause” from around line 96. Avoid spaces in your file patch, this has been known to break the script. If you would like help visit: http://darkmattergaming.com Useful tools: Notepad++: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.9.html CMTools (for log files): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=50012 7zip: http://7-zip.org/download.html Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/Download
  2. Hi guys, I'm not sure if you have done this already but you should send an email to all your registered users letting them know that their data may be compromised. Some users use the same email and password combination for multiple sites, IF passwords are decrypted there is a significant risk regardless of how unlikely. Just an idea. This is also best practice. Thanks for your efforts. Mike. Advisory: Avoid using the same password more than once. Never store passwords in plan text! Anywhere! User a password generator for all your passwords. Minimum 8 characters in length (Very hard to crack). Contains 3/4 of the following items: - Uppercase Letters - Lowercase Letters - Numbers - Symbols Good Applications include (but not limited to): Keepass (Windows, Mac and Linux). Passwordsafe (great simple app for Windows). Always back up for password databases in a locked zip file!
  3. lowrey

    Fixed in latest Exile patch ( > 0.9.35 )

    Fix works... Thanks dude! @hogansheroes Please be clear about what you don't understand and I will help you. Thanks, Mike.
  4. There is no load balancing! HC handles all AI simulations.
  5. I also use HC and I have no issues what so ever. Both Epoch and Exile work fine with HC. *note my HC are running from a dedicated server, not the same machine as the main server. M.
  6. lowrey

    Color Corrections

    Yep it works and look OK. *Note that monitors are very different and so what look good for you may not look good for everyone. M.
  7. lowrey

    New forum

    bump! Nice work, looks good!