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Everything posted by SToNeDHaMSTeR98

  1. SToNeDHaMSTeR98

    Auto restarts on hosted servers

    Hi there, I'd like to know if anyone has had any success with getting the exile restarts to work on a hosted server, hosted by in this case. They have functionality to restart the server once every 24hrs, however when the server gets populated and alotta assets are laying around, I doubt this will be sufficient. I have set the restart time to 6hrs in my exile server config.cpp, however when it gets to zero it just keeps on going with a negative value... Any light shed here would be much appreciated. Have a nice day
  2. SToNeDHaMSTeR98

    Auto restarts on hosted servers

    The only reason I use them is as far as options go for 3rd party hosting in my country, they're one of the less crappy options. But thanks anyway.
  3. SToNeDHaMSTeR98

    Auto restarts on hosted servers

    They did finally reply to that request with something more than "I don't know". They don't allow you to upload and run bat files for security concerns. I am looking at getting infistar for other features, so I'll see if that works for me.
  4. SToNeDHaMSTeR98

    Auto restarts on hosted servers

    Yes as I stated in my original post they do offer a restart function but it's limited to omce every 24hrs...
  5. SToNeDHaMSTeR98

    Auto restarts on hosted servers

    Thanks for the answer, but unfortunately my server is not hosted by, it is hosted by So this answer will not apply to me...