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Everything posted by Youngtrapper

  1. Youngtrapper

    MGT Exile Tanoa

    Best server for fps on this map by far there is so so many things that you can do that most exile servers do not have or lack in there is really no end game due to there is always something to do or get done around the map and best of all there is no wipes so all your stuff will stay so there is no need too worry about that unlike most exile servers on this game check out server you will love it trust me
  2. Youngtrapper

    MGT Exile Chernarus

    Best server for fps on this map by far there is so so many things that you can do that most exile servers do not have or lack in there is really no end game due to there is always something to do or get done around the map and best of all there is no wipes so all your stuff will stay so there is no need too worry about that unlike most exile servers on this game check out server you will love it trust me
  3. Youngtrapper

    MGT Exile Chernarus

    Best server for fps on this map by far there is so so many things that you can do that most exile servers do not have or lack in there is really no end game due to there is always something to do or get done around the map and best of all there is no wipes so all your stuff will stay so there is no need too worry about that unlike most exile servers on this game check out server you will love it trust me