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  1. Hey @Knocks Here's some strange behaviour if the players are quick and shoot things down for themselves: If you shoot down the patrol aircraft the script continues as expected, the interceptor heads for the edge of the map and despawns. If you shoot down the rescue chopper before it reaches the crash site then nothing further happens, the mission doesn't end. Now I might have not had enough patience to see what happens, I did wait 10 minutes and nothing further happened. Is there anything that can be added to the script to make it reset if someone shoots down the rescue chopper? Bearing in mind it's very unlikely anyone will, I tend to be the only one wandering around with AA on my server and most will just wait for the choppers to pass rather than engage - but if there's an option to have the script reset if the rescue chopper is shot down that'd be much appreciated! Oh, and prior to 1.3 I was finding my VCOM AI patrols "stealing" the persistent rescue chopper if nobody had gone to do the mission and the choppers were just left around the map... took me a moment to figure out why there was a bunch of guys hanging around in a chopper on the ground which would open fire if you got within the weapon arcs Thank you for your efforts - this one is pretty much perfect now!
  2. Heh... that's what I use too... no need to mess with the mission script
  3. hogansheros already answered same as what i was going to
  4. You're very welcome @Knocks - I'm getting very positive feedback on my server regarding your work here If you're going to add a mission cleanup, can I add to the wish list and see if the mission could respawn at a random period once the cleanup has occurred? Thanks mate, appreciate it!
  5. Hey have to say this is a cool script - adding a living element to the server. One question though, once the AI have been killed and the chopper taken, is there a mission cleanup to remove the map icon?
  6. Explodie

    [UPDATE] VCOM AI (Exile 1.0.4)

    edited fn_GroupGetSuppression.sqf with the following: private _group = _this; private _units = units _group; private _rtrn = 0; private _totalSuppression = 0; private _unitsSuppression = 0; //added this { if (!isNull _x && alive _x) then { _unitsSuppression = getSuppression _x; // added this _totalSuppression = _totalSuppression + _unitsSuppression; // was _totalSuppression = (_totalSuppression + getSuppression _x); }; } forEach _units; //Set suppression to 0 if value is nil if (isNil "_totalSuppression") then {_totalSuppression = 0}; _rtrn = _totalSuppression / ({!isNull _x && alive _x} count _units); _rtrn It's the same calculation, just an extra step to get to the same place without getting an error
  7. Hi guys, I've got this all installed and no real issues other than AI that ignore some vehicles. Doing some testing I found Exile_Car_Strider will get shot at by roaming AI, but I_MRAP_03_hmg_F will not. Same deal with Exile_Car_Ifrit and Exile_Car_Hunter getting shot but not the other versions of the same vehicle. I've not tested this behaviour with rocket launchers but can have a go later if it's necessary. Is there a list of vehicles that the AI will respond to, or is it only Exile_ vehicles they'll have a shot at with their rifles? If this behaviour is editable, I'd like to add all the vehicles players may be driving around in it's certainly a better player experience having AI react