Ivan Makarov

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  1. The author of fashion, you are my god and I am your fan. You did what I wanted. But I have a problem and a suggestion for you. In general, I installed the @Extended_Survival_Pack mod which allows installation, disassembly and repair of various parts of vehicles, including the removal of the engine, gas tank and wheels. Therefore, this function needs to be somehow introduced into the gameplay, so I decided that it was necessary to correct the spawn technology and, specifically, its equipment and status. But to my deep disappointment I didn’t find anything at all with regard to the configuration (i.e. with or without wheels) @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config\config.cpp имеет строку /** * The server will apply random damage up to this value when spawning a vehicle. */ /** * Сервер будет наносить случайный урон вплоть до этого значения при порождении транспортного средства. */ damageChance = 97; // 97% шанс повреждения транспортного средства HITPOINT maximumDamage = 0.99; в классе class VehicleSpawn. I put the values 97% sometimes this is enough for the equipment to catch fire and explode. BUT WHEELS ALL, of course damaged but in their places. The same on helicopters they are all with screws. Question. How to prescribe that equipment that spawn should rondomally throw out parts (wheel or glass or engine or something else)
  2. Ivan Makarov

    Chernarus 2035 Loot Buildings / Posistions

    Thank. I did everything. I had to work hard. Many buildings have already been, but there are no buildings. Perhaps this idea of the author does not include small garages in the villages and large factories in the cities. I want to finish and make the height of the building have spawning objects. Thanks again for the help.
  3. Ivan Makarov

    Help. Chernarus 2035 Loot positions

    thanks, there are a lot of buildings with spawning loot, I think that I can finish it to the final end.
  4. Ivan Makarov

    Chernarus 2035 Loot Buildings / Posistions

    Tell me please, will the class table be defined? For example, in the original sihodniki there is a class http://prntscr.com/lxjmsw In the files that you sent and also in the module that collects such files, there are no such lines http://prntscr.com/lxjn9x Will it work incorrectly or is it necessary to perform an autochange?
  5. Ivan Makarov

    Chernarus 2035 Loot Buildings / Posistions

    topic author please update the link link to files has stopped working
  6. Ivan Makarov

    Help. Chernarus 2035 Loot positions

  7. Ivan Makarov

    Help. Chernarus 2035 Loot positions

    ссылка там не работает
  8. Ivan Makarov

    Help. Chernarus 2035 Loot positions

    thanks, I will try now
  9. Ivan Makarov

    Chernarus Loot positions

    Hello. Does anyone have a config.cpp file for spawning things, for the map Chernus 2035?
  10. Ivan Makarov

    Help. Chernarus 2035 Loot positions

    First off I am sorry if this is in the wrong section and secondly I am sorry if this has been asked many times before. I have been running a private server for my own community and wanted to switch to Chernarus 2035 and open it up for everyone to play on. But, for Chernarus 2035 there are not many buildings and spawning grounds. Here is my file spawning items. This file works fine for Malden but does not work at all under Chernorus 2035 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cBZA22LZ2jJAtNSBvtdC7-XTi6FwkZL9/view?usp=sharing I would be very grateful for the help. Maybe someone has an already configured file under Chernorus 2035.