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About Tachikom

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  1. Thanks @red_ned I completely derped at that. Great missions my players love them
  2. Trying to run this and your other static tanoa missions I'm running into a strange sort of issue that will not allow for players to connect and ultimately not allow for these missions to start. RPT: 16:34:50 "ExileServer - Server unlocked and accepting players. Have fun! :)" 16:34:50 "33rd/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] ExileServer_fnc_postInit (5417 ms)" 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." 16:34:50 "DMS ERROR :: You have made an error in your DMS config.sqf! Please look for any script errors. Cancelling DMS Launch." This only occurs if I try to use these missions config.sqf DMS_StaticMissionTypes = [ ["comms_alpha",1] //["hotel_invasion",1] //["georgetown",1] ]; DMS_SpecialMissions = [ // List of special missions with restrictions. Each element must be defined as [mission<STRING>, minPlayers<SCALAR>, maxPlayers<SCALAR>, timesPerRestart<SCALAR>, _timeBetween<SCALAR>]. //["specops",15,60,2,900] //<-- Example for a mission named "specops.sqf" that must be placed in the "special" folder. It will only spawn when there are at least 15 players, less than 60 players, it will only spawn up to twice per restart, and at least 900 seconds must pass before another instance of the mission can spawn. ]; DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart = [ "comms_alpha", //"hotel_invasion_buildings" ]; DMS_BanditMissionsOnServerStart = [ If I comment those missions out server starts with no problems.