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Everything posted by Vondu

  1. Vondu

    Exile "Armed" Huey

    Any solution to the armed huey animation bug yet?
  2. Vondu

    Problems at joinig a exile server with extendet base mod

    @Razor_Desync ignore my previous post. I just read the full message. Are you saying that when you add the mod you can join with Arma 3 launcher but not A3Launcher? Does the server show up in A3Launcher? if not, have you used the A3Launcher Server Check? if so, what does it report?
  3. My keybinds that are set in the tab menu (lock/unlock, 3d marker, clear map markers) keeps resetting. This just started recently. Not sure if this is a profile problem or a server side problem. Has anyone else run into this before?
  4. Vondu

    In game infistar keybinds resetting

    Thank you for letting us know
  5. Vondu

    In game infistar keybinds resetting

    They are or at least used to be user actions but infistar has the user set them in a menu accessed via the tab key
  6. Vondu

    Problems at joinig a exile server with extendet base mod

    I've had this issue before when adding or updating a mod. It has always been in my startup paramters file. I had a space or some mistyped character in the path for a mod I was loading. I would suggest looking at the last thing you modified if the server was working before hand. The last time I had this issue was a wrong path for a mod. It's not always what the rpt file reports. Check your mod paths for accuracy.
  7. Just a few questions.... 1. Does anyone know if the Exile Server Manager will cause the XM8 app not to work? 2. I am running extdb3 64 bit. Do I need to be running the 64 bit xm8 dll? I have setup the server and the broadcast works but I get no notifications on my phone. I can see in the rpt file where it sends the notifications but my Server shows never transmitted in the XM8 server console. I went to amibehindaproxy.com and it says I am not behind a proxy. I checked my ip address in the IPv4 stack in adapter properties and is the same ip address as what shows up for my public ip address. The address is I noticed my default gateway is so I tried that as my proxy but it didn't work either. Any other advice on how to trouble shoot this problem would be great. ESM works like a champ so I cant imagine anything being blocked on the firewall but just in case, I set up an outbound rule to allow all outbound trafic for all protocols and ports. Still no love. Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
  8. Does the XM8 app see territory fees paid with the ESM bot? I'm trying to determine if my XM8 app is working correctly with my server but I'm at work and can't log in to the game right now. I recently setup the XM8 app on my server and I get the server broadcasts that I send for testing but if I pay territory fees using ESM bot I do not get a notification from XM8 app. The fees are being paid, I have verified this. I have not paid territory fees in game to test the XM8 app yet because I am at work. It may be working in game but just doesnt recognize payments made with ESM bot.
  9. Vondu

    Help setting up XM8 App

    is the server behind a router? Meaning is the server ip address a public address or a private network address? If it starts with 192.168 or 172.16 or 10.0 it is a private address and you need to know what the public address is. I'm not saying this is the problem just asking questions to help you troubleshoot the problem.
  10. Vondu

    r3f crate selling

    @One Shot Sent via PM here. Thank you.
  11. OK this is weird. Some of my vehicles are giving positive cash but negative respect when I sell them at the trader. I thought respect was just a percentage of the sell value. Any ideas where to look for this problem?
  12. Vondu

    Negative respect for vehicle sell

    Answer was found in another thread.
  13. Vondu

    r3f crate selling

    @One Shot I sent @Sgt Smash a friend request on discord but it was late last night. The version I have of the Realcher and GADD-Extras pbo is doing that thing where if you sell the crate first then you get negative respect for selling the vehicle. I tried the latest he has on github for R3F Crate sell and it actually zero's out player cash and respect. So in its current state it's even worse. If either of you have a working copy that would be great.
  14. Vondu

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    @Monkeynutz I installed your latest script for this and it sets the cash and respect to zero when selling a crate.
  15. Vondu

    r3f crate selling

    @Sgt Smash Can you send that to me too please? I installed his new one and it sets the cash and respect to zero when you sell the first crate and the older one I have gives negative respect if you sell a vehicle right after selling the crate.
  16. Vondu

    Negative respect for vehicle sell

    @kuplion You can delete this thread. I found the answer I needed in this thread:
  17. Vondu

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    @Monkeynutz I installed this: https://github.com/GamingAtDeathsDoor/R3F and I'm having the same problem as @Warrior. Selling the crate increases respect but if you sell a vehicle at the wastedump after you've sold the crate, it give negative respect. I've been following this thread and noticed that you fixed it with this: https://github.com/GamingAtDeathsDoor/R3F-Crate-Selling Do I need to just uninstall the GADD-extras part of the R3F in the first link and follow the instructions for the second link to fix the issue?
  18. I have created a static mission but the crate is accessible even tho the mission has not been completed. I've noticed that other dms missions will allow you to interact with the crate but will not show items until the mission is completed. Am I missing something? I've looked at the config and I don't see any settings that pertain to static mission crates being locked until mission is completed. I've also compared my crate creation to some of the bandit missions crate creations in the mission sqf and they look the same. Any help or clues would be appreciated.
  19. Thanks for the info guys. I will probably move the crate creation down to mission completion.
  20. Vondu

    Brama Cookbook ( Solved )

    Thanks. Thats the one I have. I was on a server the other day and noticed they had a version with a search box. I'll ask the server owner where they got it from or a copy of the modifications.
  21. Vondu

    Brama Cookbook ( Solved )

    @Beowulfv Is that version the one that has the search capabilities? The one I have must be old, it only has a drop down box with categories.
  22. Can someone tell me the difference in these two (init.sqf and initplayerlocal.sqf)? I'm assuming they are both executed by the client and not the server but I don't know which one of these is the best place to put the execvm. I modified a login rewards script from ETG_login_reward (andrew_s90) and login_rewards (sir_joker). The current state is that the script saves namespace variables to track login and uses exile player rewards scripts (andrew_s90) to reward players. This works great as long as I don't restrict reward givers to UIDs. Now Andrew_s90 provided a way for the rewards givers to be system like event, dms_mission, etc. However logic dictates that in order for me to use the system as the reward giver, I will need to execute the script server side and not client side. Currently, the rewards giver is always the client UID if I put it in either of the two files mentioned in the title of the post. So I'm assuming that neither the init.sqf nor the initplayerlocal.sqf will do what I need it to do. But I figured I would ask the people that have done this way more than myself. So I suppose I have two questions: 1. If I keep things the way they are, which of the two inits is the best place execute the script? 2. If I decide to modify the script to run server side and use database table to store the variables instead of profilenamespace, would I have to make it an addon? And how would I trigger it based on a UID login?
  23. Vondu

    init.sqf or initplayerlocal.sqf

    Thanks for the replies. I have it in initplayerlocal and is working fine for now. Just have to convert it to save the variables in the db instead of profilenamespace. Too many ways to exploit login rewards with different profiles.
  24. Using DMS Occupation roaming AI and R3F Log towing, causes the towed vehicle to disappear. Its seems to only happen when using a roaming AI vic to tow another roaming AI vic. As soon as you get out of the driver seat of the main vic, the towed vic disappears. I've read on this forum somewhere that others were having this issue a while back but no one ever said what the solution was. It was hinted that DMS config cleanup for AI vehicles was the issue and I've tried disabling the DMS_AIVehCleanUpTime but that doesnt solve the issue. I've also set it to 0, 1 hour and commented out the line. Same thing every time. Any clues as to where to look on this?
  25. Vondu

    Exile vanilla Virtual Garage

    @Sgt Smash This isn't an issue for just the dumbasses. I use this feature for enemy intel as well. I steal their vic, take it back to my base and VG it to get their pin codes. Then I try those pin codes on any of their known vics and doors to their bases etc. You will be surprised at how many people use the same code for doors and vics and safes etc.