Lil' Weedie

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  1. Lil' Weedie


    Yes the status bar. Sorry :3
  2. Lil' Weedie


    I have a question as I have a exile server, and I had it on altis for it a little bit, then switched over to chernarus. On Altis I was fine and had a HUD, but once I switched to Chernarus I didnt have a HUD, all I could see was how much ammo/mags I have, and how much percent my food/drink. I was wondering if this is a mission file issue, or maybe I've done something.
  3. Lil' Weedie

    Arma Hud in Exile

    I have a question as I have a exile server, and I had it on altis for it a little bit, then switched over to chernarus. On Altis I was fine and had a HUD, but once I switched to Chernarus I didnt have a HUD, all I could see was how much ammo/mags I have, and how much percent my food/drink. I was wondering if this is a mission file issue, or maybe I've done something.