AceMueller007 - Druggos

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About AceMueller007 - Druggos

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  1. AceMueller007 - Druggos

    More Battleye Script Restrictions

    Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated
  2. AceMueller007 - Druggos

    More Battleye Script Restrictions

    I've had a server with a hosting company in Australia for about 2 weeks now. I disabled BE because i kept getting script restrictions, I kept it off so I could get the server where I wanted it to be and used Infistar as my Antihack for the time being but now I want to enable BE again but am being constantly kicked for Script Restrictions #14 and #18 so far. I have attached the scripts log and txt file. Any help is appreciated. I tried the BE filter tools on the forums but most are dead.
  3. AceMueller007 - Druggos

    Druggy's Paradise Exile Tanoa

    We are based in Australia. The server includes RHS AFRF and USAF, ADF, NI Arsenal, Vector Building, DMS/VEMf/ZCP Ai Missions and more. Upon connecting to the server you are greeted with Fortunate Son by CCR as its on Tanoa and we thought it would suit a jungle map. If you consider joining us, say 'Hello' to other players and admins. More the merrier .