[TPK] The Peace Keepers
The Peace Keepers
Welcome to The Peace Keepers Exile. We are a bunch of friends trying to make a good place for people to hang out all over the world. We have high FPS due to the fact we are trying to stay away from mods.
We will be building our own custom Missions and custom Traders.
Our rules will be very simple and can be found in game or on our Website
We love large group's to come hang out with us. Ever play an exile server where they told you that your group was too big or you was scaring off the new players then this is the server for you.
All mission have at least 8-15 Ai's and the larger base mission's have in the range of 25-35 AI. There are roughly 15 Different missions in total at present more too come soon.
This will not be a pay to win Server at all, any donations will not earn you any bonus or extra in-game content, If you donate more than $5 a month you can get your own ts3 channel for you and your friends, Plus a VIP tag in ts.
We love PVP so come and join us !
If you have any questions Just don't be scared to ask in TeamSpeak.
we now make use JSRS3: DragonFyre EDEN if you have it then you can use it !
We have Re-Arm/Repair at petrol stations ! so no more waiting for a server restart to rearm those empty Guns on your vehicles.
We have Bounties via the Office Trader and Virtual Garage via base laptop.
For all the latest info on updates to server etc please check our website news page: Latest Server News
Current mods are:
Cup Weapon, Units & Vehicles,
Extended Base mod (optional),
JSRS3: DragonFyre EDEN 1.3 (optional sound mod).
We also make use of these features:
Virtual Garage,
Custom Air Drops,
Advanced Towing,
Chop wood direct to vehicle,
Status Bar,
AI patrols in helis and vehicles,
DMS missions,
Vemf Missions,
Random AI spawns with para drops,
Enigma Revive,
XM8 App's : View Distance, Player stats, Server Info, Scan for players & Base Info, Brama Cook Book.
we are always working to improve the server.