The Last Stand Exile
The Last Stand
About the server:
The server is brand new with a whole list of addons/ scripts. Designed to give players a sense of survival.
Server Addons / General Info:
- AI missions and Capture Points
- Roaming AI
- Zombies
- 18k start
- Revive System
- Speed up Day/Night Cycle
- DayZ style heli crashes
- Custom XM8 Apps
- Custom Locations
- Extended Base building (Mod)
- Base Respawn
- Abandon Flag feature
- Semi Militarized (A2 DayZ style)
- Ai base in the North
- Fishing (Coming Soon)
- Wages (Coming Soon)
Chernarus Redux Map Info:
- 3 Trader Cities (Safe Zones)
- 2 Aircraft traders
- 2 Boat Traders
- 2 Radiation Zones
- Several Spawn Zones to pick from (Parachuting Spawns)
- Server Rules located on the second page of the XM8
- Friendly and helpful staff
- Discord Information found here and in game via XM8
Mod Downloads: