SoA404's Exile server
We are trying have a good time and would really welcome other players to our server.
The performance on the server is great with high fps(server fps is between 45-47 fps with spawned hordes and DMS AI! Tested with 8 players).
Zombies spawn frequently inside cities and towns, but hordes will spawn now and then around players!
Hordes spawn around players at random with upto 90 zombies at a time!
More ppl at the same spot, higher chance for a horde spawning!
Traders located at top of volcano(main island)
Increased loot by about 33%
Time of day is accelerated by 4x
Time of night is accelerated by 12x
Good luck
[UPDATE 25.07.16]
- Added revive script (Buy defibrillator at hardware shop)
- Fixed gaining PopTabs from zombies after kill
- AI now attacks zombies!
- Tweaked DMS-missions a bit.
- Added exile-loot to DMS missions
- Added Apex-weapons to DMS missions
- Disabled thermal for certain Apex-equipment
- Max PopTabs in locker increased to 500K
[UPDATE 16.07.16]
- Removed Task Force Radio.. Difficult for players to understand that steam-version does not work...
- Changed difficulty on DMS missions. Highest difficulty is "difficult".
[UPDATE 13.08.16]
- Removed Esseker and CUP Terrains Core
- Changed map to Tanoa
- Increased loot(+~33%)
- Updated TS3 info
[UPDATE 11.07.16]
- Added Defent - DMS_Exile mission
- Added auto-restart every 4 hours
Admins on server:
Some screens: