[QGS|PVE]-Hyperboreea Exile
Hyperboreea Exile
Hello and Welcome!
This server is PvE only, keep that in mind.
Settings are subject to change here and there for better balancing of the server.
Before you join the server, it’s only fair that you should know exactly what to expect from it:
Mods required (all on a3launcher):
- Exile mod
- All in Arma terrain pack
- NATO_Rus_Weapons
- NATO_Rus_Vehicles
- TRYK’s Multi-Play Uniforms
- CPC_ TRYK patch
- Extended Base Mod
• Traderzone at Stary Sobor has all the traders except the aircraft trader
• Traderzones at Klen and Bashnya have all traders except the office trader and food trader
• Traderzone at NE airstrip has the aircraft trader
• Custom bambi loadout
• You can find MAS weapons at traders and at the DMS missions only, so they will not spawn on the ground
• You can find TRYK gear at traders only
• You can find Extended Base items at Hardware trader
• You are able to buy rocket launchers at traders, with the condition that you have your car near you, and select the option for the rocket launcher to be bought directly into the car...hoooray
• UAV’s, UGV’s and StaticMG’s have been removed from the server
• Thermal scopes have been removed from the server as well as thermal optics for vehicles
• Night vision scopes are present on the server
• Custom vehicles spawning throughout the map
• Vehicles from patrolling AI’s can’t be driven or sold.
• Custom prices for all weapons, items, gear, vehicles
Things to also keep in mind:
You can establish only one base as long as it is at least 500m from traders/spawn places
Avoid establishing a base in places where loot spawns
Pay for protection for the territory is set at 7 days.
If you do not interfere with your vehicles from your territory for 5 days....they will despawn
If you leave your vehicle in a safe zone, it will be unlocked after restart
DMS info:
- maximum number of missions running at the same time: 5
- all the missions have an equal chance of spawning
- poptabs received for killing DMS AI’s have been tweaked
- the DMS AI’s will have combinations of gear (helmets,uniforms,vests,backpacks) and weapons(with scopes,silencers,bipods,IR pointers) from normal arma3 and MAS combined
- DMS AI’s will have gear and weapons from MAS and normal arma3
- the difficulty of DMS AI’s is predefined and determined by the type of mission
- the loot from the crates that spawn when you complete the mission is composed of gear and weapons from normal arma3 and MAS, has increased values, and can be further tweaked if necessary
- the DMS AI’s will have and use rocket launchers so be careful when you pass or approach a mission, the rocket launcher will be removed from the AI when it’s killed
A3XAI info:
- Normal AI’s that spawn in villages, cities and capital cities have their numbers slightly increased. Remote area AI’s and wilderness AI’s have been removed so you can chill and have a naked picnic
- AI Patrols will be present throughout the map and they will use both cars/trucks as well as helicopters.
- Patrolling AI’s cars/trucks can be distinguished pretty easily....they stop, multiple AI’s get down and start shooting at you
- The Patrolling AI’s that use helicopters will have a chance of parachuting 5 AI’s on you, as well as shooting at you with machine guns....good thing you can buy Stingers right?
- The gear and weapons from normal AI’s and patrolling AI’s are from standard arma3
- Poptabs received for killing AI’s have been tweaked
Have a pleasant stay!