[PE] Premium Exile
Premium Exile
We are back and better than ever! With a more optimized mission, dedicated server administrators (with access to box if any issues arise) we are an Arma server willing to commit to its community to deliver the best possible exile experience, with no respect based traders, and high loot. Our server's focus is HIGH PvP experience with little to lose for those that are willing to engage in it (Base raids not withstanding). PvE players are also welcome, however, any player can kill you at any time.
We are adding more features as well soon, such as suicide vests that work while incapacitated (and someone is looting your body), a custom bounty system, and a touch off range increase for those that wish to fully embrace ambush tactics.
We invite you to join our discord and feel free to ask us any questions!
We are also currently looking for a dedicated dev to help us out! (PM Bork in the discord or myself through exile.majormittens.co.uk to inquire more details)