MGT Exile Chernarus Winter
Custom Missions unique to MGT, over 80 mission types with custom clearup code
4 working convoy missions
Static radiation, occupation and underwater missions
ZCP Capture point missions (domination)
Custom mafia missions (Blckeagles)
DayZ style helicrashes
AI to hunt camping players
Snow and cold weather, snow ghillies, guns, vehicles and other wintery additions
Developed and balanced daily, Changelogs >> https://bit.ly/2M1b24M
Xm8 skills system, bought with respect
- Sharp Shooter reduces weapon sway and recoil
- Survivalist allows you to go longer without eating or drinking, it also enables faster healing
- Sprinter skill enables you to run faster
- Thief enables faster vehicle stealing
- Hacker enables faster safe hacking
- Engineer reduces time needed for grinding
- Mechanic enables faster vehicle repairing
- Demo enables faster placing of breaching charges
- Locksmith enables unlocking of doors and safes in your own base without having to enter pincode
- UAV Reduces the time between player scans in Xm8
- Valet enables you to unlock and lock vehicles from the inside as long as you know the pincode
- Bandolier gives you extra ammunition in your spawn loadout
- Martyr enables the option to drop a live explosive of increasing damage on your body when you're killed
- Swimmer skill enables you to swim faster
- Handyman enables faster repairing of constructions damaged by breaching charges
- Stealth makes you less visible to AI
infiSTAR development server so has latest protection/definitions
Custom anti trader-camping code
Vehicle trader menu will show how many crates can be loaded
Custom incoming missile alert system for vehicles https://bit.ly/2mU2SAc
Custom standalone loot system for faster loot spawning and weapons spawn with a compatible scope, developed separately
The ability to get back into purchased DLC vehicles ingame without the DLC (still has prompts to purchase DLC on screen)
Trader zone vehicle collision and theft prevention
Lock vehicle from inside within traders
MarXet trader
Roaming waste dump trader
Black market traders for high end vehicles and weapons
Extended bullet cam timer for long sniper shots
74 custom flags including the tribute to Acer https://www.mgtrolls.eu/forum/m/12045571/viewthread/23853972-mgt-arma-3-exile-mod-rolling-changelog/post/136259509#p136259509
3km 3d party marker range
Build a temporary base https://bit.ly/2M29tnl
Players can poop and pee
Advanced Urban rappelling, rope required
Spawn at base
Harvest respect from trees
Locker limit increases with respect
Loot destroyed vehicles https://bit.ly/2R4maAA
Claim land vehicles with a codelock
CS Gas grenades (SmokeShellGreen)
Bury dead bodies without a shovel
Extra quiet earplugs
No thermals of any kind
Extended base mod
Vector Building (extended base mod vectoring working)
Respect base loadouts
Custom Logistics, towing, lifting and crate loading/selling
Revive players without the need for defibrillators
Automatic parachute from air vehicles
Perks for streamers - apply at https://bit.ly/2LNzoSH
Quad or boat deploy on Xm8, you can pack the quad for use later by scrolling on it
Ingame K/D scoreboard in escape menu
Many custom vehicles with edited weapons for server balance
Armed vehicle rearming at gas stations
Anti combat log system
Virtual garage through Xm8 or flag
Remote CCTV through Xm8
Disable environment sounds Xm8 app
Player and vehicle scan Xm8 apps
Most wanted bounty system through Xm8
View distance Xm8 app
Private chat Xm8 app
Buy a tool kit to disarm mines
Territory protection from breaching, grinding, safe hacking and flag stealing for new players
100k Starting poptabs and a balanced economy
Abandon Territory enabling you to get a flag returned
Player wages every 5 minutes - We did this first!
Custom cleanup to keep fps high
Mods required
Exile (now on Steam Workshop \o/) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1487484880
mozzie mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361461340
Extended Base Mod http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=647753401
NIArsenal http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1208517358
TRYK's Multi-Play Uniform's pack http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779520435
CUP Weapons http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=497660133
CUP Vehicles http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=541888371
CUP Units http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=497661914
Community Base Addons http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997
CUP Terrains - Core http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184
Chernarus Winter http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29752
Winters Snow Pack http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=819154831
LRR Silenced - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913313075
Optional mods