• Killin Zedz Chernarus Reborn

    Killin Zedz

    North America
    ? / 60
    (3 reviews)


    Location: Dallas, TX USA - Excellent location for much of the US and Europe

    Complete server details: http://forums.killinzedz.net/index.php?/chernarus-reborn-server/


    To join the server, you need the following mods:

    Server Description

    The Killin Zedz server is based on the Exile Reborn mod by JohnO. Exile Reborn is a highly customized version of Exile with the following features:

    Player vs Environment (PVE): Our server is PVE, so take it easy. Player names appear over their head when you aim at them.
    Zombies: Custom coded zombies, all walkers, including hordes. Each zombie has a chance to spawn with a vest and backpack with items and random poptabs.
    Bandit AI: Bandit headhunter groups stalk a random player on the map. Bandits also drive around the map in vehicles and fly overhead. The helicopter has a chance to drop air assault troops on the players.
    Friendly AI: Survivor AI wander the map wearing the bambi coveralls. You can try to ask them to join you, but if they refuse, they will become hostile and attack you. Increase your chances of successfully recruiting a friendly AI, bribe them. Even if you don't try to recruit them, they will engage zombies and bandits.
    Missions: Missions are not marked, but they are out there. Occasionally, a marker will be placed in the style of a player marking the map. These missions include a town invasion style mission, with a large number of AI in a town, a crashed vehicle or a vehicle drop. The vehicle drop includes a fully functioning vehicle you are free to take after killing off the AI. Searching AI and zombies may reveal the coordinates of missions. You can also hack comm towers with a laptop to find mission locations.
    Dynamic events: Two fighter jets fly around the map, trying to shoot each other down. When one is successful, the plane crashes and you can get loot in the form of military items, including a flight suit, helmet and more. Supply crates are periodically dropped at the airfields and may contain useful items. Earthquakes will shake you up. Be careful during one, as buildings can collapse from them. Jet fly overs also exist, where a single jet flies over head.
    Persistent wrecks: You'll find vehicle wrecks scattered around the world. They are persistent, always in the same location. There's a small chance of finding a bag of poptabs laying on the ground near them.
    Bambi traders: There are three bambi traders along the coast of the map. These traders sell some minor items that will be of help to the bambi player.
    Starting loadout and poptabs: All players spawn with a random outfit and minor loot. New players start with 5000 pop tabs in their locker.
    Custom traders: You won't find these traders anywhere else. They are 100% custom made. Lockers can be found at all traders except for the bambi and boat traders.
    Medlcal system: You can be knocked out and you can bleed to death. Your wounds can become infected and must be cured with water and Vishprin using the XM8 app.
    Temperature system: Freeze to death or die of heat exhaustion! Monitor your temperature. You can warm up at one of the camp fires found at most of the traders.
    No safe zones: None of the traders are safe. Make sure you kill off any zombies or bandits you find there.
    Respect levels: Level up as you gain respect. Higher levels affect how fast your hunger and thirst deteriorates, increases your healing rate and increases your chance of finding intel.
    Wages: Players earn a wage, this is a small amount but can increase with your level
    Simulation manager/custom cleanup: Every AI spawned, every supply drop, object or mission related event item is tied to my custom simulation manager for performance and cleanup.

    Does this server sound interesting? Please come by and check us out. If you have suggestions for the server, please post on our forums at http://killinzedz.net. We also have a Discord voice server. Join it via the web at http://voice.killinzedz.net.




    Edited by BetterDeadThanZed

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    · Edited by Snitzle

       1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

    If you've been searching for a PvE server and just can't seem to find one that you really like, then definitely give this one a try. I guarantee you'll be marking it as your favorite and will be back for more. The KZ server is now running on a dedicated server and it is freaking awesome. The server is very fun and more challenging than most servers. The best part of the trip is the challenge & struggle to get there. KZ doesn't disappoint.  It is also well maintained and has many active admins to go along with a server owner who helps all players with issues and problems, reads & responds personally to each and every forum post, takes under consideration and even asks that players suggest things & ideas for improvement, and is constantly & consistently looking to add new things and keep things fresh and fun. Not to mention your forum posts are usually read and replied to within an hour or so if not even sooner. KillinZedz has its own forums ( KILLINZEDZ.NET ) and a very large  friendly and supportive community that has been around for 3-4 years. Are you looking for someone to play with? Everyone here is nice and friendly and people are often looking for new people to group up with ingame. Besides having an awesome community the server setup itself is designed to run for performance so you're not constantly ripping your hair out as you lag around Chernarus with 5fps. I never have a problem and always have very high FPS while playing here. The server uses Exile along with a mod from creator JohnO which he calls Exile Reborn. This has all the same things Exile has but also adds a ton of other awesome new and unique scripts that you haven't seen anywhere else. Check out the server description. A lot of the things Reborn adds are designed in a way to keep the server running smooth and with high performance so you're FPS isn't bogging down. Just check it out. You'll see what I'm talking about. I hope to see you ingame

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       2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

    The best server I've ever played on!

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    A very unique PVE server from your standard PVE Exile Servers! Definitely not your spawn in, get rich, buy a tank bull that MOST servers out there has. If your looking for a server that you can actually put some time into and progress, this is it. If challenge is what your seeking, look no further.

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