• [KD-Gaming] Exile!


    North America
    ? / 60
    (1 review)

    KD-Gaming was founded on the basis of being a very all-around community 2 years ago.

    Since then we've hired server managers along with recruiting technical staff, and so much more!
    (Our network is: https://www.kdnetworks.net/ )

    Up until now KD-Gaming only had GMOD, Minecraft, and a ton of different servers, up until I myself came along, and offered to bring two awesome ArmA servers up.
    And I believe I have done that.

    Currently we have the standard: Warzones, missions, high loot, 15k starter, and much more to offer down the road.

    Along with a very friendly and trained staff that can help your every needs should you ever get to it.

    Our current mods are: CUP Vehicles/Units/Weapons + TRYK Uniforms.

    Wanna try our server WITH zombies? Sure just head here!:

    Come here, and hang out! Feel free to join our TeamSpeak for any questions related to the server, and know we take all feedback and suggestions in high account, and wish to always improve as we go.

    I am Colton 7.0, and I approve of this message.

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    The server have really good fps and good mods, i enjoyd playing on the server :) There is also a standerd Exile server from KD-Gaming that have the same mods exept for the zombies, and that one runns really well to :)

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