Hardstyle Exile Infection
Hardstyle Exile
Port: 2302
This will be a public PVP-PVE server.
✔ AI Headless Client
All unit management offloaded to a headless client (HC) which improves AI responsiveness and overall server performance. The HC allows for more simultaneous missions and a larger number of concurrent AI spawns.
✔ FuMS: Fulcrum Mission System
Several mission types including: town invasions, vehicle convoys, captives rescue, soldier patrols, and more traditional "AI guarding a crate" missions. Most missions spawn with a large group of AI. Zombie missions are currently enabled, with 60+ FPS. There is a group of helicopters that patrols the map.
✔ Custom Trade Cities
There are 6 traders on the map - Zelenogorsk - Stary Sobor - Lumber Mill - Olsha and two other traders with one bandit.
✔ UI Customizations
Kill Messages, Status Bar, Custom Map Markers.
- Server restarts are every 4 hours with warnings and server lock before restart.
- Server logins are locked 3 minutes before restart.
- New Exile releases: server will usually be updated within 2-4 hours.
- No racism or any other form of discrimination. There is zero tolerance.
- No parking in safezones - vehicles are unlocked after server restart and considered FAIR LOOT.
- There will be no compensation for lost vehicles or gear in trade zones (due to auto-unlocked vehicles).
The following addons are required:
✔ Exile Mod
✔ CBA_A3
✔ Extended Base Mod
✔ CUP - Vehicles - Weapons - Units
✔ Cherno Map
✔ Ryan's Zombies
- The simplest way to obtain/update the required addons and connect to the server is A3 Launcher:
a) In the "Mods" tab, download/subscribe* to the required addons listed above.
b) Search for "Hardstyle Exile" in the "Servers" tab.
c) When you click on the "Play" icon, the launcher will ensure all required addons are loaded.
*Addon downloads will be placed in the folder specified in A3 Launcher settings.
*Addon subscriptions are Steam Workshop content and will be managed by the Steam API.
- If you encounter issues and require support, please post in the www.HardstyleExile.com server forum or send a PM to BRIT
- If you encounter a Battleye kick, the following info would be great to have:
--> The full kick message (screenshot or text)
--> Date and time of the kick
- Infected areas (CUP Loot will be available if you succeed)
- Trader objects need work (Scheduled to be fixed on 22/05/2016