DayZ Redemption
DayZ Redemption
Welcome to DayZ Redemption.
Are you fed up with playing servers with no admins and half working scripts?
Are you fed up with having no input to the server after playing for hours on end?
Do you want to go back to back to the DayZ roots and play a server with scripts that make it happen?
Do you want a server that is unique?
Well look no further. The guys at DayZ redemption have listened to all of the players who have been joining and put together a fantastic server!
They have taken all the gaming experience of playing DayZ and Exile and combined it into a server that will keep you working and grinding, doing fun stuff and in return will make you feel that when you leave for the day you have achieved things you wouldn't on most server.
So what can they offer?
1- When you spawn in you will be put into a rank class
2- MarXet Traders that all the players need to grind and sell or buy in order to get what they want.
3 - Players can scavenge all around the map to find loot even in places that loot is rare.
4 - Custom crafting that includes making your own Zombie Apocalypse Vehicles. Plus the loved or hated Mozzie
5 - They have also brung back and modified the Dayz Heli-crashs with armed guards for that rare loot such as M107s .
6 - They have also have there own custom DMS missions to suit the server.
7 - There discord channel is always there for players to get help from admins ( who have the app on their phones) and to discuss what they would like to see in the future.
8 - Zombies that are made for the server to keep players on their toes and they also have the hordes at the custom loot box.
9 - 90% of the loot that is picked up can be crafted into something including Ghillie suits,Ak47s, insta-docs and many more.
10 - Your flag and vehicles will stay on the server for 365 days and you will not need to pay the rent for 365 days. This way you do not have worry about making tons of cash and just focus on the survival aspect of the game.
So if anyone out there is looking for a DayZ/zombie apocalypse style server with active admins, plenty to do then come join the fun
DayZ Redemption|25k|MarXet-Traders|Custom-Loot