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hectorPlusPlus last won the day on July 4 2018

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  1. hectorPlusPlus

    Chernarus 2035 Loot not spawning in default buildings

    have you made sure that your mod is the same version as your key? if not please re-upload you mod
  2. hectorPlusPlus

    Server Crashes on loading without error

    XM8 Is installed by deafult... do you mean Infistars XM8 addons or Advanced XM8?
  3. hectorPlusPlus


    If you are refering to the Item safe kit this is the class name as of 1.0.4 "Exile_Item_SafeKit" and when it is placed in the world it is " Exile_Container_Safe " i hope this helps
  4. hectorPlusPlus

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    I wasn't intending on being a dick just wanted some comedic release but obviously you're not from Australia
  5. hectorPlusPlus

    Exile Cant Join Server

    My bad, im running on a deticated host so i need it listed in both will all mods except exile now im reading it *you don't need @exile in your -Servermods=
  6. hectorPlusPlus

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    you got it, ill start right now
  7. hectorPlusPlus

    Exile Cant Join Server

    are you launching the @exile in mods aswell as servermods?
  8. hectorPlusPlus

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    OH MY GOD WHERE TO BEGIN, Firstly the title is "Easy" trader setup, i have never had such an ordeal getting the names of mods to line up with the files you made. 2. why is there sections for Deafult ARMA and APEX in there, did my head in AND THERES ENOUGH DUPLICATES IN THERE TO FUEL THE ENTIRE REPUBLIC OF CONGO WITH UNDERAGED NIGERIAN WARLORDS. what you did in sense is good although it need a few updates before i would suggest it to anyone, the community thanks you for your work and keep at it
  9. hectorPlusPlus

    Cant get on benches of MH-9

    Is this On a server, give me some background, is it just you or everone on the server? An RPT would also help
  10. hectorPlusPlus

    Exile Cant Join Server

    it appears that you are launching @ExileServer as a mod, Try adding it as a server in TADST if it has a servermods section or Try Add "-Servermod=@ExileServer;@Exile" to the Extra parameters section (Make Sure to leave @Exile Enabled in the mods but dissable @ExileServer ) -
  11. hectorPlusPlus

    extDB3: Error Invalid Format

    He has already created his database as shown above and if new players are showing up, its not a problem with that, have you checked your extdb-conf.ini all matches your Database setup?
  12. hectorPlusPlus

    Stuck on connecting

    also ending blocks twice in .hpp files causes unlogged issues, such as this one, check all your trader cfg's It's an error, your only error might i add, as i said it's where i would start, although it's up to you if you're willing to change a few lines, pack and upload 1 extra time, i think it's worth a shot just to clean the RPT and you never know it might improve the situation, arma does some pretty unusual stuff these days
  13. hectorPlusPlus

    extDB3: Error Invalid Format

    Does Navicat Host The SQL server as well as Modify it?
  14. hectorPlusPlus

    Adding Weapons to Vehicles

    Im trying to add Weapons to Vehicles, and before you tell me to use Arma 3's default vehicles.... NO! Bohemia has this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWeapon and i have followed this and I am getting no errors in RPT and server is still operating as usual, I am Running Exile 1.0.4a, all the RHS's, TRYK, CUP Terrains and Maps, RyansZombies, Chernarus2035, CBA,NI ARMS and EBM Dispite the mods i have tried this previously and never have i gotten it to work I have also Watched this video, it is related, but not helpful
  15. hectorPlusPlus

    Persistant vehciles problem

    RPT please