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Everything posted by fattpop

  1. fattpop

    Atlis Oil Rig DMS Mission AI help

    hey guys, We have incorporated an Oil Rig structure into our server out in the water and I have created a static DMS mission for it. I know the specified spawn locations are [X, Y, Height ATL] so for the oil rig the height would be to the seabed floor. I used the height from the object: transformation tab when double clicking. What seems to be happening is that the AI spawn in but all the roaming AI spawn in dead. What it looks like they are spawning in the air and falling to their death because they are on top of buildings and the AI set for the first level seem to be dead on buildings on the upper level, but the static MG emplacements are fine. Any Idea? Attached is the pastebin of the mission file. I spoke to Kuplion on the exile discord and he suggested It might be how im spawning in the AI and having to change my script to account for the objects in the water. Any advice would be greatly appreciatted. https://pastebin.com/xV2inGrB I can also attach the oil rig if people would like to check it out and put that on their server and do with what they please.
  2. fattpop

    [Release] Simple Dynamic Status Icons

    We run this on our Dayz Experience server and first I want to say amazing work. Love it, and definitely changes things. I have read through and adding temp is a no go and I like the informing of being frozen part, but our player base wants to have the option to see there temp because the threat of death by cold. What i'm wondering is there a way to also enable the bottom left exile HUD as well? I know its in regards of the HideExileHud such as sb_hideExileIcons = { waitUntil {(!isNil {uiNamespace getVariable "RscExileHUD"})}; _display = uiNamespace getVariable "RscExileHUD"; _ctrl = _display displayCtrl 1300; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [-10,-10,0,0]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; }; but i dont want to go removing things. Just so players have an icon they can look at for the climate and body temp? If not its not a big worry. Thank you again mate.
  3. Hey guys, I'm currently trying to figure out how I could have the broadcast message that first pops up informing the server of the event, to show a grid location. Is there anyway? I feel that its within the format of the message or something. Can someone please help me?
  4. fattpop

    Chernarus 2035 Loot Buildings / Posistions

    How do you find the locations for the building? Because I have found some that are implemented into the buildings able to spawn loot and I wanted to create its class, but I cant find out how to get that format for location.
  5. fattpop

    Adding map markers

    hey guys, I know this is an old topic but mine relates to it. We have created a new trader to our cherno 2035 server and need to implement a new marker for it, but we cant get it to work. When the server starts up it just endlessly loops. Attached is the Mission.sqm file and I would greatly appreciate any help to make it work. I have tried everything from rearranging them. https://pastebin.com/wsfufQj8 I want to say its got to do with the alt offset for the map, because that's like the last thing we tried. Any help would be great.
  6. fattpop

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Now when loading the mission, do I need to convert ( https://pastebin.com/xV2inGrB ) sqf file into a sqm? or do i ignore the dms sqf file for now load the mapping and create new mission on top of it? and then go in as player character? What I ended up doing was going through MP server browsing hosting the mission file to play it, but when I click play i am stuck on a loading screen and cant get into it. Any ideas? because when doing in is singleplayer editor im not getting a option for the editor when i mouse wheel
  7. fattpop

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Thank you red for the timely response, I apologize for before again truly. Also I'm slightly new to this, but in my head what I need to do is 1. Load 3den, M3editor, exile mods through launcher 2. Launch the game/editor 3. Load the mapping (Oil Rig) in using the debug console 4. Load the mission 5. and then follow your directions to a T. The one part i am a little confused with in the process is step 4. To try to load the mission into the editor using the debug console, or do i not do it that way? When i try no error occurs but nothing happens map wise. Also when I load the mapping through the debug console when in the editor and then go to play as character, the mapping I loaded into the editor disappears and I have to issue it through the debug console as a player. Thank you in advance Red, i have been searching for help for a while. Or am i trying to load in the buildings and the mission the wrong way? and im not suppose to use the debug console to do those.
  8. fattpop

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Do i use the entire coordinate from M3? or do I edit its height to reflect ATL which is what i did? because when i look at the coordinates they are the same between the m3editor and the eden plugin.
  9. fattpop

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    That was an error on my end I took the template from eraser but miss interpreted. I deeply apologize, I had no intention of that what so ever and have corrected it to reflect your work red. Thank you, and I am deeply sorry.
  10. fattpop

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    hey guys, We have incorporated an Oil Rig structure into our server out in the water and I have created a static DMS mission for it. I know the specified spawn locations are [X, Y, Height ATL] so for the oil rig the height would be to the seabed floor. I used the height from the object: transformation tab when double clicking. What seems to be happening is that the AI spawn in but all the roaming AI spawn in dead. What it looks like they are spawning in the air and falling to their death because they are on top of buildings and the AI set for the first level seem to be dead on buildings on the upper level, but the static MG emplacements are fine. Any Idea? Attached is the pastebin of the mission file. I spoke to Kuplion on the exile discord and he suggested It might be how im spawning in the AI and having to change my script to account for the objects in the water. Any advice would be greatly appreciatted. https://pastebin.com/xV2inGrB I can also attach the oil rig if people would like to check it out and put that on their server.