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About DKz_Rook_IE

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  1. DKz_Rook_IE

    Future request & vote

    Please add for future voting on next improvment.... How to add infistar admin right thu mysql. Even if you have to restart the server, it would be as easy as adding uid to database and witch rights they have. i have tried to add sql code to the infistar cpp file, but failed. "i need a adult to help". Hopfully this i s the right forum.
  2. Is it possible to make infistar admin access thru a MySQL database? So you don't have to restart server just to add a players UID to the admin list, and to give individual access to some privileges. I have uploaded a picture of the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG file that might help with what I am trying to incorporate. I have already looked at all topics, you-tube videos and website. The only thing close is Arma life witch might grand access to a police officer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. PS. I am also trying to incorporate MCC into Exile, but with no success. If anyone know where I might fine the conflict or the starting point, please chime in.