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Everything posted by OldManRix

  1. OldManRix

    Can you add zues curator on exile server, will PAY

    Anyone know if this method still works?
  2. OldManRix

    Cross Server Economy

    I've seen this idea done on the KOTH servers. What I'm interested in is player's money (and respect for Exile) carried across multiple servers. Is there a more simple way than editing exile.ini to?
  3. OldManRix

    Cross Server Economy

    Appreciate the input. That is well above my knowledge at this moment.
  4. OldManRix

    Cross Server Economy

    Yea, I realize that. Been brainstorming ways to only share the tabs and respect.
  5. OldManRix

    New XM8 App coding?

    Problem solved. Missed a step.
  6. OldManRix

    1.04 VG Issue

    I know I've seen this issue before but cannot seem to find any post pertaining to it now. I'm trying to use the built in VG. It stores and displays vehicles fine, but when you go to retrieve a vehicle you will get a message that says "Failed to retrieve vehicle, waiting for server response" Anyone?
  7. OldManRix

    1.04 VG Issue

    Yes, I just found this in my .rpt, might need some investigation. 16:13:15 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Incorrect Number of Inputs" 16:13:15 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0> 16:13:15 Error position: <select 0> 16:13:15 Error Generic error in expression 16:13:15 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27 16:13:15 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0> 16:13:15 Error position: <select 0> 16:13:15 Error Generic error in expression 16:13:15 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27
  8. OldManRix

    1.04 VG Issue

    http://prntscr.com/megcmm The error.
  9. OldManRix

    1.04 VG Issue

    I did do the update to the Territory/Vehicles table. The vehicle I'm using to test this does indeed have a territory ID and nickname in the DB.
  10. OldManRix

    1.04 VG Issue

    I did compare it to the 1.04 DB updates, and everything was in there.
  11. OldManRix

    1.04 VG Issue

    Yes, figure there's no point using an extra app if it's built into Exile.
  12. OldManRix

    ExAd v1.0.4

    I'm getting this.
  13. OldManRix

    Compass Heading

    Maybe I'm missing something but this one still shows settings on the escape menu lol.
  14. OldManRix

    Compass Heading

    Roger, I'll give this a try, thanks again.
  15. OldManRix


    Any input as far as the server restart showing accurate for those of us that don't use dedicated restart times.
  16. OldManRix


    http://prntscr.com/jvpksp Can be toggled to show body temp.
  17. OldManRix

    Compass Heading

    So we've been having an issue, not sure if it's the same for everyone else, but after using the compass settings players are unable to see the chat box. Anyone experienced this?
  18. OldManRix


    @kuplion Is there a way to hide the default Arma HP/Temp indicator on the lower left side of the screen? Seems redundant to have that as well as the statusbar. Great work as always. Also curious if there's a way to have the restart timer based off of server's current uptime and not a defined time.
  19. OldManRix

    K/D Scoreboard

    Does anyone know how some servers are displaying the K/D scoreboard on the ESC screen? I know I've seen the option in setting one of my servers up before but can't for the life of me remember where it was.
  20. OldManRix

    Vehicle Protection System

    We've seen quite a few go boom even if parked on flat level surface. I've been brainstorming ideas such as permitting godmode to vehicles anytime it's in a territory, locked or unlocked, or something along the lines of all locked vehicles having godmode, but not being able to lock in combat and possibly a timer to lock to prevent players using vehicles as shields from AI.
  21. OldManRix

    Vehicle Protection System

    I feel with a few modifications to this script, even with VG being built in now, could be of benefit to servers like mine that seem to have an issue with vehicles exploding when being pulled from VG.
  22. OldManRix

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    I use these, and I was mistaken, it's the A3Occupation they are shooting at, not the A3XAI ["Exile_Chopper_Huey_Armed_Green",1], ["B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_sand_F",1], ["B_Heli_Light_01_F",1], ["CUP_B_MH6J_USA",1]
  23. OldManRix

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    So I changed the contents of that file to look like this: private "_r"; private _f = getText ( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _this >> "faction" ); if not ( _f isEqualTo "" ) then { scopeName "isEqualTo"; if ( _f isEqualTo "BLU_G_F" ) then { _r = EAST; breakOut "isEqualTo" }; if ( _f isEqualTo "CIV_F" ) then { _r = EAST; breakOut "isEqualTo" }; if ( _f isEqualTo "IND_F" ) then { _r = EAST; breakOut "isEqualTo" }; if ( _f isEqualTo "IND_G_F" ) then { _r = EAST; breakOut "isEqualTo" }; if ( _f isEqualTo "OPF_G_F" ) then { _r = EAST }; } else { [ "fn_checkSide", 0, format [ "failed to find faction of %1", _this ] ] ExecVM ( "log" call VEMFr_fnc_scriptPath ) }; if not ( isNil "_r" ) then { _r }; And they are still shooting down my A3XAI Helis.
  24. OldManRix

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    private _r = "unknown"; if not ( isNull ( configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "exile_server" ) ) then { _r = "Exile" }; if not ( isNull ( configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "a3_epoch_server" ) ) then { _r = "Epoch" }; _r Can you elaborate? @B.A.D.
  25. OldManRix

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Anyone know how to keep A3XAI/DMS from fighting with VEMF? A3XAI and DMS are set to East and VEMF is set to O_G_Soldier_AR_F