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About AlphaTaylor

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  1. AlphaTaylor

    DualArms - Two Primary Weapons

    im "Stuck" in loading screen when using "secondary_weapons" in mission.sqf but without its working .... when i use @DualArms in Server startup it will be a optional addon in arma launcher and you can join without when i use @DualArms in normal Startup it is needed addon in arma launcher and you cant join without both work... execpt for loosing weapon when disconecting...
  2. AlphaTaylor

    how do i Remove Bullet cam from spawning with weapons ?

    this what i tried using Line 76
  3. AlphaTaylor

    how do i Remove Bullet cam from spawning with weapons ?

    @kuplion weapons spawn without ammo
  4. AlphaTaylor

    how do i Remove Bullet cam from spawning with weapons ?

    @WURSTKETTE with the modification the server only spawns a few items.
  5. AlphaTaylor

    how do i Remove Bullet cam from spawning with weapons ?

    this didnt worked for me it messed up the loot spawn have to try something else tomorow
  6. i removed bullet cam from traders and loot spawns but they still spawn via weapon spawns because of if (count(_magazineClassNames) > 0) then { _magazineClassName = selectRandom _magazineClassNames; _numberOfMagazines = 2 + floor(random 3); _lootHolder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClassName, _numberOfMagazines]; _spawnedItemClassNames pushBack _magazineClassName; }; i would like to remove the bullet cam from spawning anywhere
  7. how do i add status bar from "Exad Master" class CfgXM8 { extraApps[] = {"ExAd_SB"}; class ExAd_SB { title = "Statsbar Settings"; controlID = 50400; //IDC:50400 -> 50475 || These need to be unique and out of range from each other logo = "exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_settings_ca.paa"; onLoad = "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\SB_Settings\onLoad.sqf"; }; }; too Normal Exile custom XM8 apps ?? class CfgXM8 { class XM8_App02_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1 { textureNoShortcut = "exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_settings_ca.paa"; text = "Statsbar Settings"; onButtonClick = ""; resource = ""; }; i use infistar and infistar xm8 apps but i dont know where or how i can add a configurable status bar. greetings Alpha
  8. AlphaTaylor

    Base Respawn

    possible for ground spawn ? rather than para drop