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About TypicalBrit

  • Rank
  1. TypicalBrit

    Special Forces Brigand Recruiting!

  2. TypicalBrit

    Looking for people

    so if I join I get 15 mil right?
  3. TypicalBrit

    Special Forces Brigand Recruiting!

    Hi, I've got 2k hours on Arma 3, The majority of that on Exile, I have good knowledge of the 3 main maps (Altis, Malden and Stratis) and additionally Chernaurus I have a decent mic ( Neewer NW-700 ), I live in the UK and have an English accent (obviously I'm fluent) Ofc I have patience, that's what Arma is all about when it comes to sniping. The issue is that I'm almost 16 so I hope that isn't an issue, I can act maturely (Not talking when someone's in a difficult situation, not getting mad at people because I died etc) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198146231113
  4. TypicalBrit

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K
