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Everything posted by ejik[sow]

  1. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Dynamic convoy from ejik Dynamic convoys with a wide variety of settings. Multi convoys with multiple vehicles. To install the addon you need to throw exile_ejik_convoy.pbo at @ExileServer / addons https://github.com/ejikSOW/convou/ The uniqueness of the addon: - Bots repair vehicle. - In one convoy can be several vehicle - Flexible setting - Static and dynamic loot - Each convoy should be adjusted separately. - The ban gets players into the technique - Air convoys. - Accrual of respect - Accrual of money in vehicle and bots - Turn off alerts - Turn off the markers - and other All settings are in the config file.cpp thanks all people.
  2. ejik[sow]

    Addons helicrash arma 3 Exile

    This addon with numerous settings for crashes transport on your server. The player triggered a crash and crashes not far from him. The presence of bots https://github.com/ejikSOW/helicrash install addons: Take the addon and throws in @ExileServer/addons You can configure the addon in the config file.cpp Main settings: minPlayer = 1; / * the Minimum number of players for the appearance of the paint. */ spawnFly = 1; / * parameter is responsible for the appearance of bots in the air or on the ground. 0-on the ground, 1-in the air */ startCrash = 40; /* how much time will fall helices after the restart. In seconds. */ betweenTime = 1000; / * After what time the next crash will fall. In seconds. */ betweenTimeEndCrash = 1500; / * After what time the current crash will be removed. */ startCountBots = 5; / * how many will be the number of bots in the helicopter. unexpectedly */ endCountBots = 5; /* how far will the number of bots in the helicopter. unexpectedly */ startCountVehicleBots = 5; / * how many will be the number of bots in land transport. unexpectedly */ endCountVehicleBots = 5; /* how far will the number of bots in land transport. unexpectedly /* betweenTimeCrash = 2; / * Delay in seconds before falling */ betweenTimeBots = 3; / * Delay in seconds between the start of the helicopter crash and landing * / betweenTimeYawik = 4; / * Delay in seconds before the box appears */ heightCrash = 600; /* Height of any falls helicopter */ countItemBots = 3; / * number of random loot in bots. Taken randomly */ minPlayerMetrsCrash = 500; /* minimum distance of occurrence from the player */ maxPlayerMetrsCrash = 700; / * maximum range of appearance from the player */ mincountWeapon = 2; / * minimum number of random weapons in the loot box. Taken randomly */ maxcountWeapon = 2; / * maximum number of random weapons in the box with loot. Taken randomly */ mincountItems = 5; / * minimum number of random loot in the loot box. Taken randomly */ maxcountItems = 5; / * maximum number of random loot in the loot box. Taken randomly */ countBackpack = 2; / * number of backpacks in the box with loot. Taken randomly */ radiusMetrsCrash = 50; / * Radius of movement of bots in passive mode. If they see the target, they'll follow. */ crashType = 0; / * 0 - all types of crash, 1 - only helicopters, 2 - only equipment. */ classBoats = "O_Soldier_unarmed_F"; / * bot Class */ classHeli = "B_Heli_Transport_01_F"; / * helicopter Class */ classVehicle = "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"; / * equipment class * / classBox = "Box_IND_Ammo_F"; / * mailbox Class */ markerCrashEnabled = 1; / * Show marker on the map */ markerCrashText = "Crash with bots"; /* text of the token */ minrespectKilledBoat = 50; / * number of respect per bot */ maxrespectKilledBoat = 100; / * number of respect per bot */ alertCrashEnabled = 1; / * enable text notification */ alertCrashTitle = "crash with bots"; / * Header crash */ alertCrashContent = "Group bots suffered a crash. It is still possible to find something valuable"; /* Content of the crash */ Also you can configure the loot: class crashLoot Take for example adding a new weapon class bots weaponBots weapon 7 [] = {"LG_Mk 200_F", "200Rnd_65x39_case_Box", 5}; 1 parameter-weapon class 2 parameter-store class Parameter 3 - the number of stores Accordingly, you will need to add to the weaponBotsPrimary [] = {"weapon 1", "weapon 2", "weapon 3", "weapon 4", "weapon 5", "weapon 6", " weapon7"}; Similar with secondary weapons and weapons for the crate. Hope you enjoy )
  3. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Dear friends, i close this subject. Not found time for developer scripts in aram 3 EXILE. I`m working my mod. Sory guys.
  4. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Thank you for the answer, I you guys all very thankful for support.
  5. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    there is great news fix for DMS https://yadi.sk/d/d7Vr1F5kNF5NGw and you need to put in config.sqf parameter DMZ_ai_freeze_Only_DNS_AI = true in DMS and update exile_ejik_convoy.pbo in the repository https://github.com/ejikSOW/convou Thanks for helping DEH4NK
  6. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    The problem in DMS bots start shooting at each other and do not earn respect Without DMS everything is perfect Will be something to think about
  7. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    The guys all credited respect after the kill bot?
  8. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    The guys updated the repository. Tested everything seems to work. Please check. DMS had nothing to do with it. The problem was in the script. I debugged but worry ))) try you and tell disappeared bugs that were.
  9. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Thank you guys all so much for your support and patience
  10. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Спасибо у меня есть я поставлю DMS и протестирую. При этом буду писать видео.
  11. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Запишу видео со всеми своими тестами. I'll record a video of all my tests.
  12. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Я сегодня DMS поставлю, точнее уже поставил ))))) Сегодня потестирую.
  13. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    They'll all spawn on the road. I have never seen so they are outside of the road spawn. The script takes the road _radiusSpawnListConvoy = getNumber(configFile >> "ejikConvou" >> "ejikConvouConfig" >> "radiusSpawnListConvoy"); _roadses = _road nearRoads _radiusSpawnListConvoy; _posRandomVeh = _roadses call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _indexFind = _roadses find _posRandomVeh; _roads = getPos _posRandomVeh; _roadses deleteAt _indexFind; They can spawn on the road surface at the airport. Spawn produced on the road is 100%. He is physically looking for the road relative to the map. The bots themselves can move off the road when turning.
  14. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    There is a marker not immediately removed when you kill all the bots. The group still exists for a few seconds. After that, the group disappears and the marker disappears. For the second time yesterday updated the repository to use it. There with markers fixed the problem.
  15. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Put DMS today and test
  16. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Fixed a problem with markers yesterday. Tested 3 hours killed the convoy watched the convoy without rebooting no problem was all loaded markers disappear
  17. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Without DMS I don't see any problem. Everything works as it should.
  18. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    I fixed issues with markers and bots shooting at each other when they appear. with Battleye problems not watch
  19. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Thanks reVolt will test. But today as soon as I spawn shooting at each other was not observed. I'll try with your settings.
  20. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Honestly with battleye not even testil. I'm running an infistar. I'm testing it on my computer. I can't even imagine what kind of mistake that is. I have the feeling that it swears even it is not in addons I'll turn on the BE and test it. I think the problem is completely different.
  21. ejik[sow]

    Convoy mission?

    Here is the custom convoys
  22. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Since there are several cars in the convoy, do you want a sign with the player's name after the destruction of all the cars of the current convoy?
  23. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Yes you can. Now just collect the wishes and will have the update on the convoys. I wrote down your request. Already three requests there is. On weekends I'll just work.
  24. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Check now I have updated the addon file in the release
  25. ejik[sow]

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Guys I updated exile_ejik_convoy.pbo Check now for errors. Equipment will not disappear https://github.com/ejikSOW/convou