Maik Richter

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  1. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    Thank you again to all who helped. The theme can be closed everything works again.
  2. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    Who says this about lies? Again, in plain language: I have a Rosche server is also running. You can also find him in Arma's own luncher. The problem is he will not appear in the A3L because of this mod: MBG Buildings. Yes, the mod is present in the A3L as already described several times. When I make a check on the A3L Server Checker I get the error: Oh snap! unknown mods - @ MBG_Buildings_3_Arma2_Legacy. My question now why he complains about the mod. MFG Maik
  3. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    The mod is listed in the A3L as the picture above proves. I have a server that also works, but since I know a lot of people who unfortunately still use the A3L, I would like that to appear there too. What he does not currently do because of the 1 Mod. If he appears in the A3L then more people would find him. MFG Maik
  4. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    Yes, there are spaces in the error message that comes from the a3l check, but if you look at my command line you will not see any.
  5. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    Thank you for your quick reply. I have already checked that the mod is in the A3 Luncher. See picture attached. MFG Maik
  6. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    Many thanks for the answer. I made the following error message: Oh snap! unknown mods - @ MBG_Buildings_3_Arma2_Legacy
  7. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    Thank you for the renewed help I try to get as much information as possible, here again the original commandline of the server: mod=@Exile;@Enhanced_Movement;@CBA_A3;@CUP_Terrains_Maps;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@mbg_buildings_3;@Rosche;@Zombies_and_Demons;@RZInfection_for_Exile;@BWMod;@Fox_SurvivalCars -servermod=@ExileServer;@obfusqf;@infiSTAR_Exile;@infiSTAR_TM;@infiSTAR_customApps below attached an image of the folder of the mod Spellings I've already tried: @mbg_buildings_3 @mbg_b3 @MBG_buildings_3 @MBG_Buildings_3_Arma2_Legacy Can you think of something else? Here is the name of the meta.ccp: name = "MBG Buildings 3 (Arma2 Legacy)"; As you can see I have tried everything and unfortunately I can not continue. I hope one knows another advice and can help me. Sorry for my english. MFG Maik
  8. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    Thank you very much for taking the trouble to answer my problem. Just looked in the Meta folder is: name = "MBG Buildings 3 (Arma2 Legacy)"; In the mod line we tried the following spellings @mbg_buildings_3 @mbg_b3 @MBG_buildings_3 @MBG_Buildings_3_Arma2_Legacy Can you think of something else?
  9. Maik Richter

    A3 Launcher does not find server

    I do not know if this is the right forum, but maybe one has an idea Unfortunately, the launcher does not find the mod. What is the exact line in the commandline? I took the following -mod=@Exile;@Enhanced_Movement;@CBA_A3;@CUP_Terrains_Maps;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@mbg_buildings_3;@Rosche;@Zombies_and_Demons;@RZInfection_for_Exile;@BWMod;@Fox_SurvivalCars -servermod=@ExileServer;@obfusqf;@infiSTAR_Exile;@infiSTAR_TM;@infiSTAR_customApps I have several spellings Try it eg @mbg_b3 @MBG_buildings_3 Many more Many Thx
  10. Maik Richter

    Exile 1.0.4 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!

    Hi have the following error: Several flags were set on the server but you can only set to 1 flag components