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  1. exploit_n

    Call extension 'extDB2' could not be loaded

    I also found that the devs actually do not recommend running the x64 version of arma server. There are instances where it works fine, but it is a chore to maintain. (probably why it is not in the documentation) If you switch over to extdb2 and armaserverx86 it should work fine though if you have all else setup correctly. You may have another issue. I would recommend uploading your RPT log to Pastebin or something for review.
  2. exploit_n

    Problem with extDB2

    Make sure you review: For extdb2/3 you will need to make sure you have both the x86 & x64 vcredist dependencies installed. Keep in mind if you are running a 64bit version of the Arma server you will need to use extbd3. https://github.com/BrettNordin/Exile
  3. exploit_n

    Help With Compiling ExtDB2

    Please review this guide: Note that the important part for extdb2/3 is the vcredist installers. It will not work without them. (x86 and x64)
  4. exploit_n

    Call extension 'extDB2' could not be loaded

    I had this issue also, but found that it was because I was running the 64 bit version of Arma which required extdb3 and will not work with extdb2. Here is some additional information if that is what you are trying to do. https://github.com/BrettNordin/Exile