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Everything posted by TMHackSaW

  1. TMHackSaW

    Loot Table Modded 0.9.4

    Sharing is the best part of this comunity Haven't test it but feel free to try it I have added Tryk RHS MAS and CUP weapons to the new loot table ... If you like you can download it here Enjoy
  2. TMHackSaW

    Server Crash

    Anyone can help me with this please Extensions: ARMA_LOG (.\ARMA_LOG.dll) [] [] XM8 (C:\TCAFiles\Users\EduardoA\14964\@ExileServer\XM8.dll) [] [] ARMA_LOAD (.\ARMA_LOAD.dll) [] [] extDB2 (C:\TCAFiles\Users\EduardoA\14964\@ExileServer\extDB2.dll) [] [] Distribution: 0
  3. TMHackSaW

    Help Please

    Players and myself log in ok in my server but after when they try to relog they got stucked on downloading character ... i have this error : 4:10:17 "ExileServer - Starting session for 'HackSaW' with ID 'GLtccfvo'..." 4:10:18 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Statement Exception" 4:10:18 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0> 4:10:18 Error position: <select 0> 4:10:18 Error Generic error in expression 4:10:18 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27 4:10:18 Error in expression <ase_handleBig; }; }; (_result select 1) select 0> 4:10:18 Error position: <select 0> 4:10:18 Error Generic error in expression 4:10:18 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingle.sqf, line 27 anyone can help please?
  4. Hello guys I am trying to figure out how can this be done. I remember using this on Epoch by one script called restartTime.sqf made by ScaRR that use it together with the status bar and what it does is to keep the restart time on the status bar paired with the server restart times even if the server crashed or was restarted manually. they used a dll called realdate.dll from this web and the script that ScaRR shared was like this . //Gets the time till restart for the server. /* File: restartTime.sqf Author: ScaRR Description: Gets the real GMT time using Kilzone Kid's real_date dll. You can change the colour values. Please also set the _gmtHourDiff value according to your timezone Also note that this script if for 4 hour restart cycles and you will have to modify the switch section if yours is different. PLEASE KEEP CREDITS */ if (isDedicated) then { flashTime = false; "gmtPacket" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _pcid = owner (_this select 1 select 0); //get the server time _gmt = "real_date" callExtension "GMT"; _array = [_gmt,","] call BIS_fnc_splitString; _gmtHourDiff = 1; //timezone difference for you server form GMT/ UTC _hour = parseNumber(_array select 3) + _gmtHourDiff; _minute = parseNumber (_array select 4); if(_hour==24)then{_hour=0}; _nextRestartHour = 0; switch(_hour) do{ case 0; case 1; case 2; case 3 :{ _nextRestartHour = 4}; case 4; case 5; case 6; case 7 :{ _nextRestartHour = 8}; case 8; case 9; case 10; case 11:{ _nextRestartHour = 12}; case 12; case 13; case 14; case 15:{ _nextRestartHour = 16}; case 16; case 17; case 18; case 19:{ _nextRestartHour = 20}; case 20; case 21; case 22; case 23:{ _nextRestartHour = 24}; }; _restart = "NA"; _restartMinutes = (_nextRestartHour - _hour) * 60; _restartMinutes = _restartMinutes - _minute; _restartInHour = floor(_restartMinutes /60); _restartInMinutes = _restartMinutes mod 60; if(_restartInMinutes < 10)then{ _restart = format["%1:0%2",_restartInHour,_restartInMinutes]; }else{ _restart = format["%1:%2",_restartInHour,_restartInMinutes]; }; _colourRestart = parseText "#adadad"; if(_restartInHour == 0) then { if(_restartInMinutes < 31 && _restartInMinutes > 15) then { //set colour yellow _colourRestart = parseText "#fff000"; }; if(_restartInMinutes < 16 && _restartInMinutes > 5) then { //set colour orange _colourRestart = parseText "#ff812d"; }; if(_restartInMinutes < 6) then { //set colour red if(flashTime) then { _colourRestart = parseText "#0b109c"; } else{ _colourRestart = parseText "#ff3232"; }; flashTime = !flashTime; }; }; missionNamespace setVariable ["gmtPacket", [_restart, _colourRestart]]; _pcid publicVariableClient "gmtPacket"; }; }; Anyone can help me with this to be working on exile... I wont mind and i can pay for it . So far ive added the realdate.dll into the server root file and put the code on my init.sqf ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get restart time from server ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [] execVM "scripts\restartTime.sqf"; but it does not seem to work.. Thanks in advance.
  5. TMHackSaW

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Hello @Mufasa I have set HC and did your fix for the ai not shooting and have all missions spawning fine... but i have another issue... ai on sem missions kill each other any clue why is this?? also DMS ai will kill air patrols ... thanks in advance ...
  6. TMHackSaW

    Looking for a Dev

    Hello Guys, I am looking for a dev who can help me to set up a server on linux. Willing to pay for it . Let me know via PM. Thanks,
  7. Something like ERROR: akamaihd is not tested ... dont remember as i closed willing to help me out ? pls
  8. I tried to start with your guide but i get stucked ... i cant install steam cmd due to an error.... Also when i use sudo it wont let me install anything ... so ive just use the command without sudo. any help? or advise cant find any good tutorials on youtube either.
  9. Anyone can help with a setup of Linux server .. Ive got a new dedi box from SOyouStart but i really dont know how to start . willing to pay if need it Thanks
  10. TMHackSaW


    Hello Guys!! I hope you can help me. I am trying to get reserved slots at my server for my admins and myself to allow us to get onto the server and not to have anyone kicked to give an admin a Slot. I have been searching on the web and I found scripts ReserverSlot.sqf that you have to call it from init.sqf but i cant get it working. Can anyone help me with this. I even willing to pay if need it . Thanks.
  11. Hello . I have this message ExAd_STATSBAR not found i am doubting with this also in my description is correct? class CfgNetworkMessages { #include "ExAdClient\CfgNetworkMessages.cpp" class KillMessages { module = "KillMessages"; parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING","OBJECT","OBJECT"}; }; };
  12. TMHackSaW


  13. TMHackSaW


    Hello guys, Anyone of u came came across with this error message? 21:31:05 CRC packet mismatch of client 'Torsten' and server 21:31:05 In last 1000 miliseconds was lost another 1 these messages. 21:32:26 Error: Object(6 : 160) not found 21:33:35 Error: Object(6 : 163) not found 21:33:35 Error: Object(6 : 163) not found then player cant connect. Thanks,
  14. TMHackSaW

    TCAGame kicks

    @QGS I have the same issue.. All players gets kicked for that. I have a Dedi box with you. Any thoughts please.
  15. thanks for the reply.... i did a fresh install of the exile.ini and replace the commented lines as per instructions and this time worked with no error
  16. after installing all work fine.. but i have notice a bug on the safe which wont allow me to set up a new code or lock unlock option.. [22:50:39:592992 +01:00] [Thread 1112] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Version 12 Detected, Latest Version 12 Available [22:59:07:539482 +01:00] [Thread 1112] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Incorrect Number of Inputs: Input String insertContainer:Exile_Container_Safe:765600000000:12961.336914:5398.251465:-0.0352259:-0.952625:0.304148:0:0:0:1:[]:[]:[]:[]:0:0000:1 [22:59:07:539526 +01:00] [Thread 1112] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Incorrect Number of Inputs: Expected: 17 Got: 18 Any ideas..... this is mu exile.ini
  17. TMHackSaW

    Underwater Crate Script

    Great idea.... would be possible to trigget this script only when certain number op player are on the server and if this can have a messages appearing .. thanks .. PS: just like A2 treasure Hunting
  18. TMHackSaW

    Wood Bug

    +1 Bump
  19. TMHackSaW

    Error bambi creation timeout

    same here [21:39:07:179592 +00:-1] [Thread 394116] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Error StatementException: MySQL: [MySQL]: [Comment]: mysql_stmt_execute error [mysql_stmt_error]: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db14964`.`player`, CONSTRAINT `player_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`account_uid`) REFERENCES `account` (`uid`) ON DELETE CASCADE) [mysql_stmt_errno]: 1452 [mysql_stmt_sqlstate]: 23000 [statemnt]: INSERT INTO player SET account_uid = ?, name = ? [21:39:07:179688 +00:-1] [Thread 394116] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Wiping Statements + Session [21:39:07:179710 +00:-1] [Thread 394116] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Error: UniqueID: 1 Input String: createPlayer:: [21:40:31:387552 +00:-1] [Thread 394116] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Error StatementException: MySQL: [MySQL]: [Comment]: mysql_stmt_execute error [mysql_stmt_error]: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db14964`.`player`, CONSTRAINT `player_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`account_uid`) REFERENCES `account` (`uid`) ON DELETE CASCADE) [mysql_stmt_errno]: 1452 [mysql_stmt_sqlstate]: 23000 [statemnt]: INSERT INTO player SET account_uid = ?, name = ? [21:40:31:387632 +00:-1] [Thread 394116] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Wiping Statements + Session
  20. TMHackSaW

    Error bambi creation timeout

    I found a work around to this issue ... here is the thing .... u need to go to database account and add a road and add the player manually.. it worked for me hope it helps
  21. TMHackSaW

    Error bambi creation timeout

    after restart will replace CBA for joint rails
  22. TMHackSaW

    Bambi Creation Timeout

    can u use cups without cba?
  23. TMHackSaW

    Bambi Creation Timeout

    I found a work around to this issue ... here is the thing .... u need to go to database account and add a road and add the player manually.. it worked for me hope it helps