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Everything posted by aBlaze

  1. aBlaze

    Restart Script für Linux

    Wie der Titel schon beschreibt suche ich einen funktionierenden Script für linux der mir den Exile server restartet. Crontab hat leider nicht immer funktioniert und andere Scripts sind outdated....
  2. Looks good so far but somehow the trader bots are not loading for me. Pls help me
  3. aBlaze

    Project Ceberus A3|Namalsk

    International Exile Community. Map: Namalsk Mods: Tryk,Rhs,KA,NIArms, etc. 100k Start Admin/Player Trader Base! Missions and more ! Full Military Note: We Welcome all ne ppl to Exile and to the Server. You have the normal Traders but weve decided to have a Trader by the Admins to get stuff of your likings for low prices. Our Development Team is Adding new and cool features all the time and work almost 24/7 to get you guys satisfied within the exile world. Were also open for Feedback of players and try to improve by the Feedback of yours!
  4. aBlaze

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Can someone help me? I installed dms as i was supposed to. Still its not working ... Server is running a few mods but no scripts yet & infistar is installed