Hey, I am looking for someone to setup my server, get it to where I want it to be, then train me here and there on how to tweak it.
I have a background in technology and I am quick on my feet. But my IRL job is just too demanding to pickup the learning curve to be able to start playing right away.
We got a Server from gaming deluxe and from the get go we can't even get on it with Vanilla settings.
Not a big buck job or anything, but I will pay (paypal) for someone experienced and is good at teaching the back end systems of Arma.
Must be over 18, US time zone and available to hang in teamspeak.
This might seem weird, but I have a group of players who are sick of putting effort into servers that can just disappear at anytime, stop working or drastically change the map and we loose in game assets.
Add me on steam if you are interested. http://steamcommunity.com/id/DayzDuke/