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About Weemo

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  1. Hey modders, server owners, and anyone who might be able to help, Not sure if this is the right place to be venting my problems, however, I have tried everything in my power at this point, and I literally created this account to post this here because I have been trying to create a custom Exile map for a server and have encountered some issues. So where do I begin? Well, my friend and I want to start up our own Tanoa Exile server and I want to make the map for it. y'know with traders, static missions, pvp zones, loottables, mods included (like CUP) and all that good stuff. In essence, I'm trying to build this map from the ground up. I have all the required plugins and the up to date server that is the same version as my exile mod. I have familiarized myself with the EDEN editor, Notepad ++, .pbo unpackers, and where my mpmissions folders are located and all that. My problems started when I went to place a trader down. So here's my problem: Trader placed down- no problems there. Access the trader menu when testing in game- no issues. Trader is selling 0 items- big issue. Not glitched items, not unable to buy items, literally nothing shows up its just the trader menu and a blank dropdown box. attempted solutions: 1. Watching an ungodly amount of videos, reading a hefty amount of forum threads, googling till my fingers bled. It was all either too vague and not my exact problem, or outdated and no longer working as intended. 2. Saving and replacing my initPlayerlocal.sqf files and initServer.sqf files AFTER placing the trader. No luck 3. Using red_ned's "Easy Trader setup" which can be found here. - Did EVERYTHING that was detailed in the .txt instructions. Still no luck. (none of this was binarized) I feel like i'm missing something here? I'll link a mediafire to my unpacked .pbo mission file from C:\Users\USER\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Giant\mpmissions\Tanoatest.Tanoa so you can load it up and try it for yourself here. Feel free to move this thread if it's in the wrong spot. Could use a bit of help. I have discord and steam if anyone would prefer to convo about it. Thanks.