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About Danielz3

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  1. Danielz3

    Discord Invite down?

    Who can go ask?
  2. Danielz3

    Discord Invite down?

    So what i can do now for get in on the discord server?
  3. Danielz3

    Discord Invite down?

    Banned? was one guy kick-me form one server i dont do nothing... Were is a reason from my ban? What do for a ban?
  4. Danielz3

    Discord Invite down?

    So u can add me? i not banned
  5. Danielz3

    Discord Invite down?

    I guys! I try do add exile discord server on my discord and say is not avaible... What i can do to get in?
  6. Danielz3

    Exile Forum Discord?

    I cant get in on Discord Server... Says me the invite is not more available. How i can get in now?