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Everything posted by Coyote_94YJ

  1. Coyote_94YJ

    Complete Backup Scripts

    Link in GR8's post has the files. "This seems a lot like this" because it is the same. Same guy but it's his company website.
  2. Coyote_94YJ

    [GUIDE] Server Install/Upgrade Guide 1.0.4

    LMAO, thanks. I forgot it was a separate file on dropbox. I was looking in the downloaded files.
  3. Coyote_94YJ

    [GUIDE] Server Install/Upgrade Guide 1.0.4

    The file "EXILE SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE V1.0.4.pdf" is not in the download and is not on the downloads page. Is there another place to get it?
  4. Coyote_94YJ

    [GUIDE] Server Install/Upgrade Guide 1.0.4

    Is there a place to download just the launch files? I have everything else but need those. I've tried for 2 days to get the whole package from the dropbox but my internet here sucks so bad and it keeps erroring out.