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Everything posted by Darksoul47

  1. Darksoul47

    Scratchies v1.5 - gambling for Exile Mod

    Are you able to make this compatible with ExAD?
  2. Darksoul47

    [LTD] Chill Exile Chernarus

    Living The Dream Exile Chernarus is looking for some more players! We are a friendly community who just want to enjoy the game, no bullshit. We are offering starting bonuses too
  3. Darksoul47

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    If you look bottom left, this is what I'm dealing with, also nothing spawns top left. Installed it vanilla, didn't change much.
  4. Sorry for the confusion. I just installed it vanilla, how it came. Didn't edit any settings, looked through them and was happy with it.
  5. I just got done playing 3 hours straight, only mission AI, using admin tools I looked over map for AI and none randomly in towns only on missions.
  6. Seeing as this topic has 283 pages, I am going to ask a question that might've already been solved but I could not find it. I am having and issue with no roaming ai spawning, only missions and helicopter. if anyone can help I'd appreciate it.
  7. Darksoul47

    Improved loot spawner for v1.0.3

    Here is line 3150 to 3160 class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla06 { quality = 2; price = 12000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla07 { quality = 2; price = 12000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla08 { quality = 2; price = 12000; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Van (Box) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Black { quality = 3; price = 17000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Box_White { quality = 3; price = 17000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Red { quality = 3; price = 17000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla01 { quality = 3; price = 17000; }; After commenting out the loot spawner code I used from here, it resolved the issue, but the code starts at line 3238 to 3369, inside ExileCustomCode /* private["_numberOfItemsPerCrate","_percentageChanceToSpawnCrate","_midNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot","_minimumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot","_crate","_building", "_buildingConfig", "_lootTableName", "_localPositions", "_lootConfig", "_maximumNumberOfLootPositions", "_maximumPositionCoverage", "_maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot", "_numberOfPositionsToUse", "_lootPositions", "_spawnedItemClassNames", "_lootWeaponHolderNetIDs", "_lootPosition", "_lootHolder", "_numberOfItemsToSpawn", "_n", "_itemClassName", "_cargoType", "_magazineClassNames", "_magazineClassName", "_numberOfMagazines"]; _building = _this; _building setVariable ["ExileLootSpawnedAt", time]; _building setVariable ["ExileHasLoot", true]; _buildingConfig = configFile >> "CfgBuildings" >> typeOf _building; _lootTableName = getText (_buildingConfig >> "table"); _localPositions = getArray (_buildingConfig >> "positions"); if ((getPosATL _building) call ExileClient_util_world_isInRadiatedZone) then { _lootTableName = "Radiation"; }; _lootConfig = missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileLootSettings"; _maximumNumberOfLootPositions = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "maximumNumberOfLootSpotsPerBuilding"); _maximumPositionCoverage = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "maximumPositionCoverage"); _maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot"); _minimumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "minimumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot"); _midNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "midNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot"); _numberOfPositionsToUse = 1 max (((count _localPositions) * _maximumPositionCoverage / 100) min _maximumNumberOfLootPositions); _localPositions = _localPositions call ExileClient_util_array_shuffle; _lootPositions = _localPositions select [0, _numberOfPositionsToUse]; _spawnedItemClassNames = []; _lootWeaponHolderNetIDs = []; _percentageChanceToSpawnCrate = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "percentageChanceToSpawnCrate"); _numberOfItemsPerCrate = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "numberOfItemsPerCrate"); { _lootPosition = ASLToATL (AGLToASL (_building modelToWorld _x)); if (_lootPosition select 2 < 0.05) then { _lootPosition set [2, 0.05]; }; _lootHolder = objNull; _numberOfItemsToSpawn = round random [_minimumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot,_midNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot,_maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot]; // [min,mid,max] if (random 30 <= _percentageChanceToSpawnCrate) then {_numberOfItemsToSpawn = _numberOfItemsPerCrate}; // occasionally have a big loot cache for "_n" from 1 to _numberOfItemsToSpawn do { _itemClassName = _lootTableName call ExileServer_system_lootManager_dropItem; if !(_itemClassName in _spawnedItemClassNames) then { if (isNull _lootHolder) then { if (_numberOfItemsToSpawn == _numberOfItemsPerCrate) then //if you have a big loot cache, put it in a random crate { _crate = selectRandom [ "Box_IND_Ammo_F", "Box_T_East_Ammo_F", "Box_East_Ammo_F", "Box_NATO_Ammo_F", "Box_Syndicate_Ammo_F", "Box_IND_Wps_F", "Box_T_East_Wps_F", "Box_East_Wps_F", "Box_T_NATO_Wps_F", "Box_Syndicate_Wps_F", "Box_Syndicate_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_IND_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_East_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_T_NATO_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_NATO_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_IND_Support_F", "Box_East_Support_F", "Box_NATO_Support_F"]; _lootHolder = createVehicle [_crate, _lootPosition, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _lootHolder; // empty crate clearMagazineCargoGlobal _lootHolder; // empty crate clearItemCargoGlobal _lootHolder; // empty crate clearBackpackCargoGlobal _lootHolder; // empty crate } else { _lootHolder = createVehicle ["LootWeaponHolder", _lootPosition, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; }; _lootHolder setDir (random 360); _lootHolder setPosATL _lootPosition; _lootHolder setVariable ["ExileSpawnedAt", time]; _lootWeaponHolderNetIDs pushBack (netId _lootHolder); }; _cargoType = _itemClassName call ExileClient_util_cargo_getType; switch (_cargoType) do { case 1: { if (_itemClassName isEqualTo "Exile_Item_MountainDupe") then { _lootHolder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 2]; } else { _lootHolder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 1]; }; }; case 3: { _lootHolder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 1]; }; case 2: { _lootHolder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 1]; if !(_itemClassName isKindOf ["Exile_Melee_Abstract", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]) then { _magazineClassNames = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _itemClassName >> "magazines"); if (count(_magazineClassNames) > 0) then { _magazineClassName = selectRandom _magazineClassNames; _numberOfMagazines = 2 + floor(random 3); _lootHolder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClassName, _numberOfMagazines]; _spawnedItemClassNames pushBack _magazineClassName; }; }; _numberOfItemsToSpawn = -1; }; default { _lootHolder addItemCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 1]; }; }; _spawnedItemClassNames pushBack _itemClassName; }; }; } forEach _lootPositions; _building setVariable ["ExileLootWeaponHolderNetIDs", _lootWeaponHolderNetIDs]; ExileServerBuildingNetIdsWithLoot pushBack (netId _building); */ somewhere in this code is the typo. Appreciate any help.
  8. Darksoul47

    Improved loot spawner for v1.0.3

    I did exactly as described above, and got this ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\config.cpp, line 3155: Config: /CfgExileCustomCode.private: '"' encountered instead of ']'