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Are you able to make this compatible with ExAD?
- 149 replies
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Darksoul47 started following [LTD] Chill Exile Chernarus
If you look bottom left, this is what I'm dealing with, also nothing spawns top left. Installed it vanilla, didn't change much.
[Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23
Darksoul47 replied to second_coming's topic in Add-ons
Oh shit, thank you, I just realized that it wasn't turned on. Thanks bro.- 3161 replies
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- survivor ai
- random ai
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[Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23
Darksoul47 replied to second_coming's topic in Add-ons
Sorry for the confusion. I just installed it vanilla, how it came. Didn't edit any settings, looked through them and was happy with it.- 3161 replies
- survivor ai
- random ai
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[Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23
Darksoul47 replied to second_coming's topic in Add-ons
This mod, DMS, Ryans zombies, exilez, ebm- 3161 replies
- survivor ai
- random ai
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[Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23
Darksoul47 replied to second_coming's topic in Add-ons
I just got done playing 3 hours straight, only mission AI, using admin tools I looked over map for AI and none randomly in towns only on missions.- 3161 replies
- survivor ai
- random ai
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[Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23
Darksoul47 replied to second_coming's topic in Add-ons
Seeing as this topic has 283 pages, I am going to ask a question that might've already been solved but I could not find it. I am having and issue with no roaming ai spawning, only missions and helicopter. if anyone can help I'd appreciate it.- 3161 replies
- survivor ai
- random ai
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Here is line 3150 to 3160 class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla06 { quality = 2; price = 12000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla07 { quality = 2; price = 12000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Guerilla08 { quality = 2; price = 12000; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Van (Box) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Black { quality = 3; price = 17000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Box_White { quality = 3; price = 17000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Red { quality = 3; price = 17000; }; class Exile_Car_Van_Box_Guerilla01 { quality = 3; price = 17000; }; After commenting out the loot spawner code I used from here, it resolved the issue, but the code starts at line 3238 to 3369, inside ExileCustomCode /* private["_numberOfItemsPerCrate","_percentageChanceToSpawnCrate","_midNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot","_minimumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot","_crate","_building", "_buildingConfig", "_lootTableName", "_localPositions", "_lootConfig", "_maximumNumberOfLootPositions", "_maximumPositionCoverage", "_maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot", "_numberOfPositionsToUse", "_lootPositions", "_spawnedItemClassNames", "_lootWeaponHolderNetIDs", "_lootPosition", "_lootHolder", "_numberOfItemsToSpawn", "_n", "_itemClassName", "_cargoType", "_magazineClassNames", "_magazineClassName", "_numberOfMagazines"]; _building = _this; _building setVariable ["ExileLootSpawnedAt", time]; _building setVariable ["ExileHasLoot", true]; _buildingConfig = configFile >> "CfgBuildings" >> typeOf _building; _lootTableName = getText (_buildingConfig >> "table"); _localPositions = getArray (_buildingConfig >> "positions"); if ((getPosATL _building) call ExileClient_util_world_isInRadiatedZone) then { _lootTableName = "Radiation"; }; _lootConfig = missionConfigFile >> "CfgExileLootSettings"; _maximumNumberOfLootPositions = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "maximumNumberOfLootSpotsPerBuilding"); _maximumPositionCoverage = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "maximumPositionCoverage"); _maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot"); _minimumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "minimumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot"); _midNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "midNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot"); _numberOfPositionsToUse = 1 max (((count _localPositions) * _maximumPositionCoverage / 100) min _maximumNumberOfLootPositions); _localPositions = _localPositions call ExileClient_util_array_shuffle; _lootPositions = _localPositions select [0, _numberOfPositionsToUse]; _spawnedItemClassNames = []; _lootWeaponHolderNetIDs = []; _percentageChanceToSpawnCrate = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "percentageChanceToSpawnCrate"); _numberOfItemsPerCrate = getNumber (_lootConfig >> "numberOfItemsPerCrate"); { _lootPosition = ASLToATL (AGLToASL (_building modelToWorld _x)); if (_lootPosition select 2 < 0.05) then { _lootPosition set [2, 0.05]; }; _lootHolder = objNull; _numberOfItemsToSpawn = round random [_minimumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot,_midNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot,_maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot]; // [min,mid,max] if (random 30 <= _percentageChanceToSpawnCrate) then {_numberOfItemsToSpawn = _numberOfItemsPerCrate}; // occasionally have a big loot cache for "_n" from 1 to _numberOfItemsToSpawn do { _itemClassName = _lootTableName call ExileServer_system_lootManager_dropItem; if !(_itemClassName in _spawnedItemClassNames) then { if (isNull _lootHolder) then { if (_numberOfItemsToSpawn == _numberOfItemsPerCrate) then //if you have a big loot cache, put it in a random crate { _crate = selectRandom [ "Box_IND_Ammo_F", "Box_T_East_Ammo_F", "Box_East_Ammo_F", "Box_NATO_Ammo_F", "Box_Syndicate_Ammo_F", "Box_IND_Wps_F", "Box_T_East_Wps_F", "Box_East_Wps_F", "Box_T_NATO_Wps_F", "Box_Syndicate_Wps_F", "Box_Syndicate_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_IND_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_East_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_T_NATO_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_NATO_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_IND_Support_F", "Box_East_Support_F", "Box_NATO_Support_F"]; _lootHolder = createVehicle [_crate, _lootPosition, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _lootHolder; // empty crate clearMagazineCargoGlobal _lootHolder; // empty crate clearItemCargoGlobal _lootHolder; // empty crate clearBackpackCargoGlobal _lootHolder; // empty crate } else { _lootHolder = createVehicle ["LootWeaponHolder", _lootPosition, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; }; _lootHolder setDir (random 360); _lootHolder setPosATL _lootPosition; _lootHolder setVariable ["ExileSpawnedAt", time]; _lootWeaponHolderNetIDs pushBack (netId _lootHolder); }; _cargoType = _itemClassName call ExileClient_util_cargo_getType; switch (_cargoType) do { case 1: { if (_itemClassName isEqualTo "Exile_Item_MountainDupe") then { _lootHolder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 2]; } else { _lootHolder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 1]; }; }; case 3: { _lootHolder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 1]; }; case 2: { _lootHolder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 1]; if !(_itemClassName isKindOf ["Exile_Melee_Abstract", configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]) then { _magazineClassNames = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _itemClassName >> "magazines"); if (count(_magazineClassNames) > 0) then { _magazineClassName = selectRandom _magazineClassNames; _numberOfMagazines = 2 + floor(random 3); _lootHolder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_magazineClassName, _numberOfMagazines]; _spawnedItemClassNames pushBack _magazineClassName; }; }; _numberOfItemsToSpawn = -1; }; default { _lootHolder addItemCargoGlobal [_itemClassName, 1]; }; }; _spawnedItemClassNames pushBack _itemClassName; }; }; } forEach _lootPositions; _building setVariable ["ExileLootWeaponHolderNetIDs", _lootWeaponHolderNetIDs]; ExileServerBuildingNetIdsWithLoot pushBack (netId _building); */ somewhere in this code is the typo. Appreciate any help.
I did exactly as described above, and got this ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\config.cpp, line 3155: Config: /CfgExileCustomCode.private: '"' encountered instead of ']'