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Everything posted by Nofame

  1. Nofame

    MarXet installation

    Hi so, i have done everything in this description, but i imagine i have to add the Market trader into the M3Editor somehow, could someone help me out a little ? much appriciated
  2. Nofame

    [Updated] R3F Logistics Exile (with CUP)

    Hi, Might be an obvious question, but i cant seem to get the: object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true]; to work, i only want the "R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_moved_by_player" to be enabled.... seems so simple but just cant get it to work -___-
  3. Nofame

    Realtime Restarts

    just use Accurate restart time calculator for the Statbar
  4. hmm, so basicly have roaming ai's and network lag from time to time or don't have roaming ai's and no network lag Did work btw, havent had one network lag since. so Thanks
  5. Hi, Occupation is creating a network lag for like 15 seconds after each restart, also some random network lags in between restarts. the problem dissappears if i disable this mod. have anyone else had this problem and have a solution? sry if this already has been answered, i searched a bit but couldnt help my self to look through 298 pages x)
  6. Nofame

    Realtime Restarts

    @tchao57 I'm trying to do the same, did u ever figure it out ?
  7. Nofame


    UK111-Reborn The server is has the best features from UK111 and some new We have created the server as close as UK111 we could, as we were huge fans of the old server. If anyone feel like something is missing or is wrong, feel free to go to the forums on our website and post your idea or thoughts. We will aslo increase the number of slots as we get more players. I truly hope you enjoy the server and that you will play on it, even though it might not be crowded at first
  8. Nofame

    ETG Fast Travel System

    @Kellojo Hi, yes that i know, what i havent figured out is how i can write it to demand an item or take money from locker instead. So if you have any idea on how to do so... it would be much appriciated
  9. Nofame

    ETG Fast Travel System

    Hi, ive got the system up and running, but i was wondering how to change the price to an item or take the money from locker.
  10. Nofame

    [UK/EU] Exile Altis GaD|

    Welcome to our new server, we hope you give it a try
  11. Nofame

    MarXet Deplyment Issues

    Hi, im trying to install the MarXet as well, it says in my Web Console that it loaded but it doesnt appear ingame, anyone know what im missing or doing wrong? i can upload .RPT file if needed, but i feel i just miss something simple...
  12. 0:59:49 "<>netids| ~Delta~(*************) - R Bad Blood:1 (~Delta~) REMOTE, Exile_Unit_Player - 2:815 - 3 [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileterritorynumberofconstructions] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [0] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileterritorymaintenancedue] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [[2017,9,22,22,51]] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileflagstolen] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [0] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileowneruid] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [76561198023660562] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileterritorymoderators] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [[""76561198023660562""]] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileterritoryname] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [Bad Blood] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileterritorybuildrights] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [[""76561198023660562""]] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exilelocation] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [Bad Blood] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileterritorylevel] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [1] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileradiusshown] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: mast_f.p3d REMOTE] is not known to the antihack! Value: [false] | 0h 1min 49s [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84] [13-09-2017 23-58-07 - v84]" 1:00:52 "<>SURVEILLANCELOG| ~Delta~(*************) | Variable [exileterritorysize] on object [27c3b844100# 1813602: